Tuesday, March 17, 2020

2017-18 Pregnancy Week 36

At my appointment just before I was 36 weeks, this was a Monday, they mentioned to me that my blood pressure was a little higher than normal but that I was still within a normal range. They told me that they were going to watch it at each of my appointments from then on. I began having NSTs (non-stress tests) which monitor both me and the babies to make sure we're all doing ok and to make sure that I wasn't having contractions unknowingly the week before and had another during that appointment. Everything went great! The second time I had it done they had some trouble making sure they had both babies as their heart rates were so similar! A couple days later, on Wednesday, I noticed that I had a headache. I had some shopping to do that day and while I was out I had this feeling that I should buy an auto blood pressure cuff, and so I did. When I got home I took my blood pressure and it was really high. So I messaged my nurse friend who had me recheck it and it was still high. I messaged Randy and let him know what was going on. My nurse friend had me take some tylenol for my headache and told me to try to relax and retest in a couple hours. The tylenol did not even touch my headache. And when I retested my blood pressure it was not any better than before. We decided to go in to labor and delivery to be checked out just in case.

Once in labor and delivery they took me to an examination room to be checked out. They immediately had me all hooked up to machines monitoring my blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen, as well as, an NST machine to keep an eye on the babies and myself. My blood pressure was still high and I still had a headache so they gave me some medication called fentanyl. That also did not touch my headache. We were there for a few hours while they monitored my blood pressure, which finally did go down. The doctor on call came in to talk with us. She said that since I still had the headache despite the medication they gave me they were hesitant to send me home. But since my blood pressure was back down into normal range and because I already had an appointment the next day with my doctor, she was going to allow us to go home, on the condition that if the headache worsened that we came right back to be induced. So we went home.

Me all hooked up at the hospital.

The next day (Thursday), my headache was slightly better and stayed that way all day. At my appointment that afternoon, my doctor immediately was asking us what we wanted to do. She recommended that we induce ASAP before things got worse and we agreed with her. She asked us if we wanted to just plan for a c-section or if we wanted to attempt a vaginal delivery as Baby B was again transverse and could flip either direction. We trusted my doctor's knowledge enough and decided to go ahead with the vaginal delivery. She then checked me to see where I was at dilation-wise. I was dilated to a 3.5 and was 80% effaced which she was happy about because that makes a great starting point. We were scheduled to be induced that next morning and were told to be at the hospital by 7am.

Til next time!

Monday, March 16, 2020

2017-18 Pregnancy Weeks 29-35

Weeks 29 & 30- Had another growth check! Baby A is FINALLY bigger than B!! He is in the 30th percentile and weighs approximately 2lbs 11oz. He is head down and is sitting pretty low. B is in the 23rd percentile and weighs approximately 2lbs 8oz. He is transverse and loves my belly button area. Doctor says everything looks great and they are doing really well with their growth because they are measuring right along with where a singleton pregnancy would be right now. My belly is measuring 35 weeks now! Because they are doing so well with their growth it'll be another month before our next growth check.  I will have regular check-ups every two weeks from now on but not having to watch their growth is reassuring! Only 6-8 more weeks to go! (As long as these two cooperate and don't try to come early)

Weeks 31 & 32- This week we had another appointment! Baby A was really hard to measure because he is sitting super low. And boy can I feel it! His weight estimate is 3lbs 11oz but our guess is he is probably closer to 3lb 4oz. Baby B was really easy to measure because he is still transverse. His weight estimate is 3lb 1oz. My doctor's goal date for these boys to make it to is May 1. That's less than 4 weeks away! Our ideal goal is May 17! It's getting closer!! My belly is measuring 38 weeks compared to a singleton pregnancy. I'm super curious to know what I'll measure just before I give birth!

Weeks 33 & 34- We got the car seats in the car! According to our doctor, as long as there isn't anything extreme, if these two come now out local NICU would be able to care for them. We're hoping they've still got a good two weeks or more left before they come though!! For those who are curious (like me lol), based on a singleton pregnancy, my belly (fundal height for those who know what that is) now measures are 42 weeks! And is still growing! As of our last appointment Baby A is measuring 4lbs 3oz and Baby B is measuring 3lbs 15oz. Which is awesome!! If we make it to about 37-38 weeks this will put them each at about 6-7lbs each, which I would love. They are now both head down, and because of this, my doctor has given the green light for a vaginal birth instead of a c-section!! We're so excited and can't wait to meet these two little cuties! We also had pictures taken! I'll add a couple of my favorites.

This is Baby B's head! He would stretch out and we'd see his head!

Week 35- We made it to 35 weeks! We now have a pediatrician for the two boys which is awesome and a relief! Both are still kicking away and sometimes moving in ways that make me wonder what they are doing. I'm doing pretty good. I'm really felling the hip pain this past week and it makes me wonder if they've dropped a little. Both us and our doctor want at least one more week before they're born, if not more. We have their hospital bag packed!! Ours is halfway packed,.. We'll finish packing tomorrow or Monday.

Til next time!

2017-18 Pregnancy Weeks 20-23

I know I'm way behind! I wanted to let you all know that even though this was a couple years ago now I will be writing as if it was currently happening. Mainly because I am writing from my own journal entries.

We hit 20 weeks and we are super excited because our anatomy scan for the twins is scheduled! We are so excited to find out what we are having! The scan went very well, both babies were growing great. She was a little concerned about Baby A as it's femurs were a little short compared to where it's growth should be overall. She said that this could be a sign of down syndrome and recommended that we do some testing to find out for sure. We decided not to do this testing and said that we would be prepared for whatever happened. Then she told us the genders! She went so quick that I was happy to have the ultrasound pictures to see a little more clearly. Watch the video of us revealing the genders to my family!

Baby A
Baby B

Twin boys! We were so excited!!

21 weeks- This week was crazy to say the least. We had our first (and hopefully only) emergency run to the hospital. I was having extreme pain in my lower right abdomen and right lower back. My doctor was worried it was appendicitis and told me to go in immediately. After spending a few hours in labor and delivery, and lots of tests, they determined that it was not my appendix, and that I was having round ligament pain. Talk about feeling stupid lol! While there, they also discovered that my cervix had begun to funnel and they said that they would be watching it closely to hopefully prevent the babies from coming sooner than they should.

Weeks 22-23- We finally settled on the names for our boys! Roger Wade Denson and Evan Frank Denson, which baby was going to have which name we would decide once we saw them in person.  We had a growth check during this time. They were getting big! Baby A was measuring 15oz and Baby B was measuring 1lb 3oz. I had only gained 12lbs at this point and my doctor said that this weight was most likely all baby (fluid, placentas, actual babies). They also checked my cervix to make sure that the funneling wasn't getting worse. Thankfully, there had been no change! Which meant I did not need to go on bed rest. Though I did try to stay off my feet as much as possible.

In just 3 weeks time we had so much happen! The rest of my pregnancy updates will be following quickly so that I can get my birth story written before I forget everything that happened! Since it's been almost 2 years now!

Til next time!