We made the long drive down and waited for my appointment. This appointment we knew was going to be super quick since it was only a blood draw. Randy took a picture for me because I wanted to document it. It is the picture shown below.
We were both super nervous but hopeful! We knew that we'd get the results that day sometime and it was so hard to wait. Once the appointment was over we went to get our "just in case we are" pregnancy announcement stuff for telling our families who were also anxiously awaiting the news, good or bad. Then we began our drive back to Randy's parents house which was where our dogs were staying and the first official stop on our way home. We were hoping to get the phone call before we got there so we could just tell them. We ended up stopping for lunch on the drive there and we checked our phone for messages since we'd had no service. No call.
We finally made it to Randy's parents house and we checked our phones. Still no call. So we went in and just chatted for a while, knowing we'd have to head home soon so it wasn't too late when we got home. While chatting I just happened to look at my phone and noticed that I had a voicemail. So I convinced Randy to go outside and play with the dogs with me. He didn't know that I had a voicemail and I didn't tell him until we were outside where we could have some privacy while listening to it. Here is the transcription of what that voicemail said names of the nurse and dr have been edited out:
Hi Becca, this is -- from Dr --'s office.
I was just calling to go over some blood work with you.
If you can just give me a call at -- Thank you.
After hearing that we began to expect the worst. Because in our experience they leave good news on voicemail and bad news they want to talk to you so they can break it gently. After gathering our composure we made the call to get the results.
The phone call went something along these lines. (We don't have a transcript of this unfortunately just some poor memories lol) They confirmed it was me and then they said something like, so yes, we wanted to go over your blood test results. Randy and I were both saying yes, and uh huh, and super nervous! Then she said, Congratulations! It's positive! I literally lost all speech. I couldn't even say anything I was so shocked. Both Randy and I were in tears! She asked if we were still there and Randy at least was able to reply, Yes, I don't think she can speak. She then told us that my HCG levels were above 300 which was very good because they want them at about 100 at this point. She told me to continue with my progesterone suppositories 3 times a day. When I finally could say something we both thanked her and hung up.
We both hugged and kissed and cried a lot and then Randy went to the car to grab what we had bought in order to tell our families. We had bought a pink and a blue pacifier to attach to our dogs collars. So we attached them and went in. It took Randy's parents a minute before seeing them and then we were all in tears again!
When it was time to go we made our way to my parent's house, which is along our long drive home. We attached the pacifiers again and it took my parents a little longer to spot them but once they did we were all in tears again! Then after they knew and we had chatted for a while we continued on home.
The next morning I wanted to have solid proof that, Yes, I was actually pregnant. And so I took a pregnancy test. It came up positive almost immediately!! This was definitely more positive than the trigger shot gave me. I finally believed it, at least a little bit. I was still in complete shock!
Looking back at those 8 days of waiting once I got home, I did have a couple of clues that made me think and hope that I was pregnant. First, I had some pretty intense cramping pains, all localized to one side of my uterus. I now know that this was most likely implantation cramping. I had written it off because I always start cramping about a week before my expected period. Another clue was when we went to the store Murdochs. I love the equine section and all the smells there. But that time we went I literally had to race through it and hold my breath because it smelled SO BAD! I was hopeful that this was a sign at the time but I was trying not to raise my hopes too high. So I wrote it off as just my imagination.
We were now in the waiting game again. I had another blood test the next week. A whole week before we would know if my HCG had increased or if it had decreased!
Til next time!
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