Thursday, November 5, 2015

IUI #1- Procedure

I don't even know how to start this blog lol I've had a headache all day and can't think of anything catchy! So I'll just jump right into the events of that day.

First off, Randy and I were both very nervous for various reasons before the actual procedure. I was nervous because the last time someone had tried to get a catheter through my cervix they failed. And I was super worried that would happen again. I was also nervous about how painful it could be. I am permanently scarred emotionally because of when my doctor scraped the blockage away. I was certain it was going to be as painful as that.

Randy was nervous going in because of the two semen analysis' he had had done. One had a really bad count and the other had a pretty average count. He was worried that his donation wouldn't be enough.

We were both nervous and excited because this could be it. We could finally have a higher chance at getting pregnant compared to the chances we already have.

For the actual procedure, Randy had to go 2 hours early to give them his donation. This is because after they get his donation they have to do a special wash on the sperm. This wash makes them safe to be put directly into my uterus. For those wondering, women's cervix's usually do this job, by washing away the bad and letting in the good.


The actual procedure went fairly quick. We got there and we went back. The doctor explained what she was going to do and we had to sign a waiver saying we understood the risks. (Uterine infection, UTI, and so on) After signing I got undressed and got on the table. The doctor came back in and told us Randy's numbers. They were just over 1 million... :( she told us that this lessened our odds but that we only need one. So we went ahead with the procedure.

As she was inserting the catheter she said that it usually takes a moment for her to get through (this worried me a lot) but almost as soon as she finished saying that she was able to get through my cervix!! I felt relief! At least I know for sure now that sperm can get up there! (Sorry if that was TMI) Despite my fears I barely had any pain throughout the procedure! Thank goodness for that! The doctor was able to place the sperm where they needed to be and then she told me to stay on the table and she would elevate my hips. I had to stay there for 15 minutes with my hips elevated and then I could get dressed and could come out to the foyer to receive instructions for the next two weeks.

They gave me directions on how often and when to take my next medication. Which I was to start two nights later. This medication was progesterone. This is the hormone your body usually produces after you ovulate to tell you're lining to thicken for pregnancy. This happens every month whether you're pregnant or not. They put me on it so that in the case that I did get pregnant that I would hopefully not be deficient in this hormone because it also helps sustain pregnancy.

After telling me about the prescription, my doctor set up an appointment for me to come back in two weeks to get a blood pregnancy test done.

We spent the rest of our day with family in Utah :)

Randy and I just after the procedure :)


  1. Crossing my fingers! (I put your names in the temle too.)

  2. Lol when I was typing sorry if that was TMI I thought that same thing! But I figured some people need a warning.
