This past Friday, Randy finally got in to see his male fertility doctor. He filled out this really long list of questions about his past and my past with infertility. Then we went in to the doctors office.
He met with the nurse first who took us to a large room with tons of Windows that you could see pretty much everything out of, the street, the buildings across the street and people walking down the sidewalks. The nurse checked his blood pressure and heart rate and asked a few more questions and then went and got the doctor. Once the doctor came in he went over the results from Randy's semen analysis and entered them into the system. He asked us both multiple questions about how long we'd been trying, how many kids we'd like, if I had any issues that my doctor had found, and so on. Then he went to see if they could track down Randy's blood work.
While he was out doing that Randy and I were talking. Randy mentioned that he hoped that the doctor was not going to do the physical exam in the room we were in because it felt like he would be exposed to the world. I said I doubted that they would due to sanitary reasons and we both started laughing! The doctor then came back in just at that moment and we had to stop laughing :)
Turns out Randy did get to have his physical exam in that room. Though the doctor assured us that the windows were tinted very dark so no one could see in. The doctor did his exam and told us the results. Turns out that Randy has a very large varicocele vein in one teste and a small one in the other. Varicocele veins are enlarged blood vessels that blood tends to pool in. This makes the area harder to keep cool so it is usually very hot. Hot does not equal good sperm. Pretty much too hot and the sperm are killed off. While the doctor was explaining these results the nurse came in with the blood work they had finally tracked down.
The doctor then went over the blood work with us. Randy's levels were all normal except for the two that help with sperm production, these were actually higher than they needed to be. Our doctor explained that this is very normal to see with varicocele veins since the body tries to compensate for the heat by making more sperm. Which are killed off as well.
Luckily the varicocele veins are very easy to fix. It's just that Randy gets to have surgery. It's an outpatient procedure and he can be back at work the next day. Just with a limited weight limit to lift. After the surgery they will do a semen analysis within 3-6 months to see how his numbers are improving. Our doctor said that we could end up pregnant within that time but it may take up to a year for his numbers to get to where they like to see them.
This appointment was very informative! We are very hopeful that after he has the surgery that we won't have any more issues getting pregnant. But you never know. We're trying to look at the positive side and not think about any other complications that could arise.
We currently have Randy's surgery scheduled for February 4 of next year. And I really cannot wait although I'm sure he probably could ;) I know he's nervous but I keep assuring him he'll be fine.
Well I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!
Til next time!
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Meet... Leo!!
So... We got a new fur baby! His name was Shadow but we decided it didn't quite fit him so we renamed him Leo! He's a mutt :) we think he is a mix of Australian Shepard, heeler, and lab, but we don't know for sure. He is 8 weeks old and super cute!
He's our little stocking stuffer! We actually stumbled onto him on Facebook through Randys home town classifieds! His owner was giving him away for free since she didn't feel like she could give him the attention he needs. Randy showed me his phone and with a sneaky grin I typed that I would like him next if the people before me didn't get him. Well we got him lol! We are super excited and look forward to when Oscar and Leo can wear each other out!
So far we've learned that he LOVES to chew and lick! He's very active as well which will help wear Oscar out! Right now Oscar is still getting used to him. He gets a little jealous if I'm holding Leo and is still learning that Leo is still little and that he can't step on him or hold him down with his body or paw!
Leo is pretty much potty trained already! But I think will be harder to train to sit, lay down, etc. just because he is so energetic! First we are trying to train him not to bite or chew except on his toys. Some people may think we are crazy for having two high energy dogs! But I don't think I'd have it any other way!
He's our little stocking stuffer! We actually stumbled onto him on Facebook through Randys home town classifieds! His owner was giving him away for free since she didn't feel like she could give him the attention he needs. Randy showed me his phone and with a sneaky grin I typed that I would like him next if the people before me didn't get him. Well we got him lol! We are super excited and look forward to when Oscar and Leo can wear each other out!
So far we've learned that he LOVES to chew and lick! He's very active as well which will help wear Oscar out! Right now Oscar is still getting used to him. He gets a little jealous if I'm holding Leo and is still learning that Leo is still little and that he can't step on him or hold him down with his body or paw!
Leo is pretty much potty trained already! But I think will be harder to train to sit, lay down, etc. just because he is so energetic! First we are trying to train him not to bite or chew except on his toys. Some people may think we are crazy for having two high energy dogs! But I don't think I'd have it any other way!
Awe :)
Thursday, December 17, 2015
My day... Endometriosis sucks
So this will be a short and sweet blog today. I just wanted to share with you all how my endometriosis has been treating me lately. (Yes I treat it as if it was a real person because it's always there).
Now just a warning for you all. Endometriosis is not always a pretty thing lol it can affect everything about me from cramps to back pain to pooping and to even what I eat. So this post may be a little TMI for some. Ok now that I've warned you... :)
The past few days have been some of my worse pain days. Not necessarily with cramping because that actually hasn't been too bad but with other areas of my body. I have had a TON of lower back pain! It hurts and feels good at the same time when I try to stretch it out but it doesn't go away :( So sitting, standing, and moving have not been very fun!
On top of that I've had tummy issues. Bloating, heart burn, constipation, and even diarrhea. If you think you can't be constipated and have diarrhea at the same time think again! Not a fun couple of days for me. Because of all of this I have been exhausted! I'm not having trouble with my insomnia gratefully, so I've been falling asleep pretty quickly and sleeping longer than I may need. Like 10-12 hours a night!
Despite all of this I still was able to clean my house and visit with friends and family. And shovel the snow that we received off our sidewalks this morning :)
I feel very grateful that I can manage to live with my pain! I have read many stories of women with endometriosis who are in so much pain they struggle to do those daily little tasks. So I am definitely grateful that I am not yet to that point! (Hopefully I never reach it either!!)
My Thought For Today :)
For those who may be wondering if they can make it through, whatever it is you may be struggling with. Don't give up! We may have rough days but we can make it through! Despite my pain I keep pushing through and I'm so grateful that I have and that I still do. I know what it's like when you give up and lose hope. (Future blog coming about this.) So no matter what don't quit trying to accomplish whatever your dreams and goals are!!
One of my favorite scriptures is in Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path." Whatever you are going through I ask that you not give up! The Lord is always there to help us through. He loves us no matter what.
Til next time!
P.S. I wrote almost all of this yesterday but forgot to finish it and post it! Because of this, my post for today will be posted tomorrow! Sorry! My brain is forgetful lol
Now just a warning for you all. Endometriosis is not always a pretty thing lol it can affect everything about me from cramps to back pain to pooping and to even what I eat. So this post may be a little TMI for some. Ok now that I've warned you... :)
The past few days have been some of my worse pain days. Not necessarily with cramping because that actually hasn't been too bad but with other areas of my body. I have had a TON of lower back pain! It hurts and feels good at the same time when I try to stretch it out but it doesn't go away :( So sitting, standing, and moving have not been very fun!
On top of that I've had tummy issues. Bloating, heart burn, constipation, and even diarrhea. If you think you can't be constipated and have diarrhea at the same time think again! Not a fun couple of days for me. Because of all of this I have been exhausted! I'm not having trouble with my insomnia gratefully, so I've been falling asleep pretty quickly and sleeping longer than I may need. Like 10-12 hours a night!
Despite all of this I still was able to clean my house and visit with friends and family. And shovel the snow that we received off our sidewalks this morning :)
I feel very grateful that I can manage to live with my pain! I have read many stories of women with endometriosis who are in so much pain they struggle to do those daily little tasks. So I am definitely grateful that I am not yet to that point! (Hopefully I never reach it either!!)
My Thought For Today :)
For those who may be wondering if they can make it through, whatever it is you may be struggling with. Don't give up! We may have rough days but we can make it through! Despite my pain I keep pushing through and I'm so grateful that I have and that I still do. I know what it's like when you give up and lose hope. (Future blog coming about this.) So no matter what don't quit trying to accomplish whatever your dreams and goals are!!
One of my favorite scriptures is in Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path." Whatever you are going through I ask that you not give up! The Lord is always there to help us through. He loves us no matter what.
Til next time!
P.S. I wrote almost all of this yesterday but forgot to finish it and post it! Because of this, my post for today will be posted tomorrow! Sorry! My brain is forgetful lol
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Weekend trip and Crazy Weather!
Hopefully next week I'll have an update for you on what the doctor says at Randy's appointment Friday! But until then... Enjoy hearing about what I did last weekend!
As you may already know, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Otherwise known as LDS or Mormon. This past weekend was my brothers missionary farewell! For those who do not know young men in our church ages 18-25 serve 2 year missions for our church. They are not forced to go but have the choice. My brother had chosen to serve and so he got to speak in church on Sunday! I already have one brother already out on his mission. (They're twins) He is serving in San Jose, California and the brother who's farewell was this past Sunday will be serving in Toronto, Canada!
When I got to my parents house after driving for 4 hours! I knew that I needed to find out what he wanted his musical number to be, at least officially. He had told me what song he wanted and if no one could sing he told me to prepare a piano solo (I don't sing in front of people unless in a group.) so when I got there I hoped he'd found someone to sing. Unfortunately he had not asked anyone but my sister who is 9 months pregnant and can't sing due to not having enough air and also needing to pee every time she stands ;) So it was up to me to play my piano solo.
I get super nervous being in front of a group of people. It's worse if I'm the one speaking, better if I'm playing the piano, and even better if I'm playing the piano while someone is singing. So let's just say their were a few small mistakes when the time came to play :/ but it sounded great to everyone as I was told :)
My brother's talk was good, super short, but good. He spoke about repentance and how as missionaries they are being sent out to teach repentance. After church we ate a nice big dinner! He got to pick what we had so it was elk and deer steaks with a baked potato bar! Yum!
I headed home after we finished eating. There was a huge storm headed for Wyoming and I wanted to beat it home!
That storm had predictions for 8-10 inches in the lower elevations and 12-18 in the higher elevations. I live in the lower but did not want to drive alone in a snowstorm if I didn't have to.
The storm hit Monday evening. And it was a blizzard from the get go. I just drove across town and it was like Star Wars with how big the flakes were!! And how swiftly they were falling. I went across town to meet Randy at his work. But when I went to turn into the parking lot, I got stuck! I was turned sideways in the middle of oncoming traffic!! So thinking quickly, I turned my wheels and spun a half cookie so I was going with the oncoming traffic and got myself unstuck! I used a different entrance to get into the parking lot. Needless to say, we left my car there overnight!
By this morning, instead of the 8-10 inches predicted we had probably close to 16 inches of snow! It came up to my knees. I went with Randy and we dug my car out from where we'd left it. The drifts around it came up to my hips! I got it home safely though and don't plan on going anywhere tonight lol.
I realize that this is kinda short and to the point! And that there are not any pictures! I am sorry about that! I'm also sorry I missed posting Thursday! So since I missed Thursday I will be posting 3 times this week. Today, tomorrow, and Thursday this week! I will post next Tuesday but as Christmas is next week, I will not post the Thursday before Christmas. Then we'll be back to our regular schedule hopefully! (P.S. How many times do you think I can say Thursday? Lol)
Til next time!
As you may already know, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Otherwise known as LDS or Mormon. This past weekend was my brothers missionary farewell! For those who do not know young men in our church ages 18-25 serve 2 year missions for our church. They are not forced to go but have the choice. My brother had chosen to serve and so he got to speak in church on Sunday! I already have one brother already out on his mission. (They're twins) He is serving in San Jose, California and the brother who's farewell was this past Sunday will be serving in Toronto, Canada!
When I got to my parents house after driving for 4 hours! I knew that I needed to find out what he wanted his musical number to be, at least officially. He had told me what song he wanted and if no one could sing he told me to prepare a piano solo (I don't sing in front of people unless in a group.) so when I got there I hoped he'd found someone to sing. Unfortunately he had not asked anyone but my sister who is 9 months pregnant and can't sing due to not having enough air and also needing to pee every time she stands ;) So it was up to me to play my piano solo.
I get super nervous being in front of a group of people. It's worse if I'm the one speaking, better if I'm playing the piano, and even better if I'm playing the piano while someone is singing. So let's just say their were a few small mistakes when the time came to play :/ but it sounded great to everyone as I was told :)
My brother's talk was good, super short, but good. He spoke about repentance and how as missionaries they are being sent out to teach repentance. After church we ate a nice big dinner! He got to pick what we had so it was elk and deer steaks with a baked potato bar! Yum!
I headed home after we finished eating. There was a huge storm headed for Wyoming and I wanted to beat it home!
That storm had predictions for 8-10 inches in the lower elevations and 12-18 in the higher elevations. I live in the lower but did not want to drive alone in a snowstorm if I didn't have to.
The storm hit Monday evening. And it was a blizzard from the get go. I just drove across town and it was like Star Wars with how big the flakes were!! And how swiftly they were falling. I went across town to meet Randy at his work. But when I went to turn into the parking lot, I got stuck! I was turned sideways in the middle of oncoming traffic!! So thinking quickly, I turned my wheels and spun a half cookie so I was going with the oncoming traffic and got myself unstuck! I used a different entrance to get into the parking lot. Needless to say, we left my car there overnight!
By this morning, instead of the 8-10 inches predicted we had probably close to 16 inches of snow! It came up to my knees. I went with Randy and we dug my car out from where we'd left it. The drifts around it came up to my hips! I got it home safely though and don't plan on going anywhere tonight lol.
I realize that this is kinda short and to the point! And that there are not any pictures! I am sorry about that! I'm also sorry I missed posting Thursday! So since I missed Thursday I will be posting 3 times this week. Today, tomorrow, and Thursday this week! I will post next Tuesday but as Christmas is next week, I will not post the Thursday before Christmas. Then we'll be back to our regular schedule hopefully! (P.S. How many times do you think I can say Thursday? Lol)
Til next time!
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Crazy Trip!
After my post on Thursday I've been trying to decide what to write about today. Randy and I's life is actually kinda boring lol But then last weekend happened and I have something to write about!
I'll just start off with what we were doing.
One of my very best friends and her husband have been married for almost 4 years now. They were married outside of the temple, not because they weren't worthy but because they felt like they weren't quite ready. This past weekend they finally felt ready to take the step and be sealed together and to their two cute boys. They invited Randy and I, and so we booked a hotel room for the night before.
We left Friday afternoon/evening to head to Billings, MT, where the temple they had chosen was. We dropped off Oscar with the friend who was watching him and went on our way. I drove first because I love to drive and I also didn't want to be driving too late because I was exhausted. (I struggle with insomnia and hadn't gotten to sleep til about 4 the night before)
On the way there a couple of things happened. While I was driving, a semi kicked a piece of tire out and I hit it. Scared me pretty good because I hadn't seen it but Randy had. Then the next thing that happened was even worse!
I saw what looked like headlights coming from the other direction but to me they looked like they were on our side of the freeway! I kinda shrugged it off and thought that maybe the road turns and they're on the other side. As I got closer I realized that they were reverse lights on a vehicle on our side of the freeway. So I got ready to be courteous and change lanes. I didn't make it. Just as I was getting ready to change lanes, I saw why they were reversing. There was a very large deer right in the middle of the lane I was in! It was too late to change lanes and so I had to straddle the deer as best as I could. Randy wasn't paying attention so I scared him as my car hit the deer and rolled it under my car. It literally sounded like I had actually hit something dead on. We pulled off at the next exit to check to see if there was any damage. Luckily there was not any damage to the front of my car. We believe it knocked the tires out of alignment but not too bad.
Randy got to drive after that! LOL! I didn't want to hit anything else! So he took over driving from then on. Unfortunately we were not done hitting stuff... As he was driving a truck kicked something metal looking out right in front of us, and though Randy swerved out to miss it we still caught the edge of it.
We eventually made it to Billings. And we were definitely counting our blessings. We were maybe only about 5 minutes or less behind the car that was reversing to pull the deer off the road. It could have been us that actually hit the deer and not just running it over.
When we made it to Billings we started looking for our hotel. We parked and went inside and told them our name for the reservation. They didn't have our reservation! We told them that we had a confirmation email if they wanted to see it and they said yes. So Randy pulled it out. Turns out we were at the wrong hotel!! We were in the C'Mon in instead of the Comfort Inn! (This was easy to do since there were probably 5 hotels in this one little area.) So we asked where the Comfort Inn was and they pointed us in the right direction.
Finally we made it! We hung out in the hot tub/pool for awhile and then we went to bed for the night.
The next day turned out better. We woke up and ate breakfast and then got ready for the temple. Amazingly when I curled my hair it actually turned out the way I pictured it! That rarely happens! We then went to the temple for my friend's sealing to her family.
It was a beautiful ceremony! I learned some things and relearned others. You could definitely feel the spirit there surrounding their little family. You could tell that the Lord was proud of them and so very happy that they were being sealed for eternity!
After they were sealed we all took pictures outside the temple. They were in their white clothes and looked so beautiful standing there with their children also dressed in white!
Randy and I have a tradition to take pictures together at the temple every time we go and so we did that while waiting for them all to change. I put a few of those in for your enjoyment. ;)
When they got out we took a few more pictures and then went to lunch/dinner. We went to Red Robin. This was my first time ever being there and it was delicious! Then after that Randy and I went to Hobby Lobby to get some fabric and then got gas and hit the road!
I drove first again. We usually drive to Sheridan and then switch drivers there. We were both exhausted from a long day and were anxious to get home to get Oscar. As we were driving it had been about 45 minutes and Randy pointed out a rest stop and said "Do you remember there being a rest stop?" I said no but maybe we just weren't paying attention. So we kept driving. After about 15-20 minutes, Randy pulled out his phone to see how much longer it was to Sheridan. It told us to turn around! Randy thought maybe the address to Hobby Lobby was still in there so he closed the app and retyped in Sheridan. It told us to turn around again! Turns out we had missed the junction to head to Wyoming and we were on our way towards Bismark! (This is an easy thing to do since the exit comes up quick and isn't marked well.) So we took the next exit and turned around. Our 3 1/2 hour drive had now turned into a 5 1/2 hour drive! So instead of getting home about 9:30 we didn't get home til almost midnight!
We switched drivers in Sheridan after getting a snack at Mcdonalds and taking a quick potty break. We hit the road again. Randy was now driving. We were both tired and grumpy by this point and so the rest of the drive was pretty quiet. We picked up Oscar from our friend's and went to the store to get what we needed for dinner the next day and then went home and passed out! We all slept in until almost 10 the next morning! Including Oscar who usually wakes up about 7!
Sunday we got our Christmas tree up and pretty much had a nice relaxing day!
So there you have it! Our crazy trip was pretty crazy! It was a wonderful weekend despite everything that happened but I hope the next time we go to the Billings temple everything goes much smoother than it did this time. No hitting deer or debris, taking the right exit, and finding the right hotel first (if we get one).
Have you had any crazy trips? Let me know in the comments! I love to hear from you!
Til next time!
I'll just start off with what we were doing.
Billings, MT Temple
We left Friday afternoon/evening to head to Billings, MT, where the temple they had chosen was. We dropped off Oscar with the friend who was watching him and went on our way. I drove first because I love to drive and I also didn't want to be driving too late because I was exhausted. (I struggle with insomnia and hadn't gotten to sleep til about 4 the night before)
On the way there a couple of things happened. While I was driving, a semi kicked a piece of tire out and I hit it. Scared me pretty good because I hadn't seen it but Randy had. Then the next thing that happened was even worse!
I saw what looked like headlights coming from the other direction but to me they looked like they were on our side of the freeway! I kinda shrugged it off and thought that maybe the road turns and they're on the other side. As I got closer I realized that they were reverse lights on a vehicle on our side of the freeway. So I got ready to be courteous and change lanes. I didn't make it. Just as I was getting ready to change lanes, I saw why they were reversing. There was a very large deer right in the middle of the lane I was in! It was too late to change lanes and so I had to straddle the deer as best as I could. Randy wasn't paying attention so I scared him as my car hit the deer and rolled it under my car. It literally sounded like I had actually hit something dead on. We pulled off at the next exit to check to see if there was any damage. Luckily there was not any damage to the front of my car. We believe it knocked the tires out of alignment but not too bad.
Randy got to drive after that! LOL! I didn't want to hit anything else! So he took over driving from then on. Unfortunately we were not done hitting stuff... As he was driving a truck kicked something metal looking out right in front of us, and though Randy swerved out to miss it we still caught the edge of it.
We eventually made it to Billings. And we were definitely counting our blessings. We were maybe only about 5 minutes or less behind the car that was reversing to pull the deer off the road. It could have been us that actually hit the deer and not just running it over.
When we made it to Billings we started looking for our hotel. We parked and went inside and told them our name for the reservation. They didn't have our reservation! We told them that we had a confirmation email if they wanted to see it and they said yes. So Randy pulled it out. Turns out we were at the wrong hotel!! We were in the C'Mon in instead of the Comfort Inn! (This was easy to do since there were probably 5 hotels in this one little area.) So we asked where the Comfort Inn was and they pointed us in the right direction.
Finally we made it! We hung out in the hot tub/pool for awhile and then we went to bed for the night.
The next day turned out better. We woke up and ate breakfast and then got ready for the temple. Amazingly when I curled my hair it actually turned out the way I pictured it! That rarely happens! We then went to the temple for my friend's sealing to her family.
Some ducks we saw outside our hotel :)
After they were sealed we all took pictures outside the temple. They were in their white clothes and looked so beautiful standing there with their children also dressed in white!
Randy and I have a tradition to take pictures together at the temple every time we go and so we did that while waiting for them all to change. I put a few of those in for your enjoyment. ;)
Being dorks :)
Me acting crazy ;)
And a good one :)
When they got out we took a few more pictures and then went to lunch/dinner. We went to Red Robin. This was my first time ever being there and it was delicious! Then after that Randy and I went to Hobby Lobby to get some fabric and then got gas and hit the road!
I drove first again. We usually drive to Sheridan and then switch drivers there. We were both exhausted from a long day and were anxious to get home to get Oscar. As we were driving it had been about 45 minutes and Randy pointed out a rest stop and said "Do you remember there being a rest stop?" I said no but maybe we just weren't paying attention. So we kept driving. After about 15-20 minutes, Randy pulled out his phone to see how much longer it was to Sheridan. It told us to turn around! Randy thought maybe the address to Hobby Lobby was still in there so he closed the app and retyped in Sheridan. It told us to turn around again! Turns out we had missed the junction to head to Wyoming and we were on our way towards Bismark! (This is an easy thing to do since the exit comes up quick and isn't marked well.) So we took the next exit and turned around. Our 3 1/2 hour drive had now turned into a 5 1/2 hour drive! So instead of getting home about 9:30 we didn't get home til almost midnight!
We switched drivers in Sheridan after getting a snack at Mcdonalds and taking a quick potty break. We hit the road again. Randy was now driving. We were both tired and grumpy by this point and so the rest of the drive was pretty quiet. We picked up Oscar from our friend's and went to the store to get what we needed for dinner the next day and then went home and passed out! We all slept in until almost 10 the next morning! Including Oscar who usually wakes up about 7!
Sunday we got our Christmas tree up and pretty much had a nice relaxing day!
Our pretty little tree :)
So there you have it! Our crazy trip was pretty crazy! It was a wonderful weekend despite everything that happened but I hope the next time we go to the Billings temple everything goes much smoother than it did this time. No hitting deer or debris, taking the right exit, and finding the right hotel first (if we get one).
Have you had any crazy trips? Let me know in the comments! I love to hear from you!
Til next time!
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Decisions, Decisions
I left you guys with a terrible last post about our journey and I apologize for that. This one won't be so sad! It'll actually get you all just about caught up to where we are in our journey currently! This post will consist of two phone calls that we had with my doctor. A LOT of decisions were made.
The last part of the story that you have all read was about how I was staying in Rock Springs with my family until my new cycle started. And Randy went on home. Our plan with our doctor was to do another IUI.
When my cycle started it was actually the weekend so I had to wait until Monday to call. When I called Monday and got no answer I was a little confused, until my sister informed me it was a holiday! So I had to wait one more day to call. During this time I kept thinking of the questions that we had come up during the previous IUI procedure. And in a way I kept thinking, we need to get the answers before doing another IUI. I just didn't feel right about doing another IUI.
On Tuesday I called again. This time I got through! I told them that I was supposed to call on cycle day 1 and explained that that day was over the weekend. They looked up the notes from my doctor.
Now this is why I LOVE my doctor! She is so in tune with the spirit (I do not know what her religion is) and with us! She had written a note to re-work our plan because she had a few questions raised from our IUI too.
So I set up an appointment with her to talk about our plan over the phone.
The appointment wasn't for a couple of weeks and so I headed home to Randy. I had already updated him on what the doctor had said. We went about life as normal until the day we were scheduled to talk with our doctor. Another great thing about our doctor is that she is willing to talk with us over the phone for meetings like this.
So when our phone rang I got super excited! We were going to figure out and get some answers to our questions!
Another great thing about our doctor is that she is super intuitive. She knew the questions we were going to ask before we could ask them and she addressed each of them. One of our main questions was about Randy's sperm count. We had noticed that it was up and down and the differences were pretty drastic. She had noticed this as well and said she wanted to refer us to a male fertility doctor to get him checked out. We agreed and we got her referral and his name.
She also talked to us about deciding what was next. If the male fertility doctor said that he could do something for Randy then we could try another IUI or we may be able to get pregnant naturally. If there is nothing the doctor can do then she said we may end up needing to do IVF (In Vitro).
Randy and I are crossing our fingers and praying that whatever is causing his numbers to jump around is an easy fix and that we won't have to go the more expensive route. For those who don't know, one round of IVF can cost upwards of $20,000. And just like an IUI it's not guaranteed to work. Although the odds of it working are a lot higher.
We hope that he just has some sort of hormone imbalance because that is an easy fix. A little bit harder of a fix is if he needs surgery. We're hoping that this is not the case but it is still cheaper than going the IVF route. Also if either of these are the case then hopefully it will be fixed and we won't have any more trouble conceiving this baby and the ones to come.
After about a month (seriously a month!) we finally got through to the male fertility doctor. (This was last week) We now have an appointment set for Dec. 18! Randy has to get a lot of work done before we go. Including a very extensive blood test and another semen analysis. Although I know Randy is nervous, we both feel that this is what we need to be doing at this time in our journey.
It's been really nice for me because I feel a lot less stressed because I know that I am done being tested on, at least for now. No more ultrasounds or needles or drugs! I know I'll probably have to go back to that at some point but at least for now I do not have to worry or stress about any of that. It's Randy's turn ;)
We feel like we have been greatly blessed throughout our journey so far. Each of the doctors we've been to have tested, found something that needed fixed, fixed it and then gave us more questions that need answered. With each answered question, we feel we get one step closer to finally getting pregnant and having children of our own! We may not know how many more questions we'll have but we will keep searching and finding answers until there are no more because we are finally pregnant.
I will still be posting every Tuesday and Thursday! I will update you all on our journey as we go through it. You'll just have to deal with some of our daily life ;)
Til next time!
The last part of the story that you have all read was about how I was staying in Rock Springs with my family until my new cycle started. And Randy went on home. Our plan with our doctor was to do another IUI.
When my cycle started it was actually the weekend so I had to wait until Monday to call. When I called Monday and got no answer I was a little confused, until my sister informed me it was a holiday! So I had to wait one more day to call. During this time I kept thinking of the questions that we had come up during the previous IUI procedure. And in a way I kept thinking, we need to get the answers before doing another IUI. I just didn't feel right about doing another IUI.
On Tuesday I called again. This time I got through! I told them that I was supposed to call on cycle day 1 and explained that that day was over the weekend. They looked up the notes from my doctor.
Now this is why I LOVE my doctor! She is so in tune with the spirit (I do not know what her religion is) and with us! She had written a note to re-work our plan because she had a few questions raised from our IUI too.
So I set up an appointment with her to talk about our plan over the phone.
The appointment wasn't for a couple of weeks and so I headed home to Randy. I had already updated him on what the doctor had said. We went about life as normal until the day we were scheduled to talk with our doctor. Another great thing about our doctor is that she is willing to talk with us over the phone for meetings like this.
So when our phone rang I got super excited! We were going to figure out and get some answers to our questions!
Another great thing about our doctor is that she is super intuitive. She knew the questions we were going to ask before we could ask them and she addressed each of them. One of our main questions was about Randy's sperm count. We had noticed that it was up and down and the differences were pretty drastic. She had noticed this as well and said she wanted to refer us to a male fertility doctor to get him checked out. We agreed and we got her referral and his name.
She also talked to us about deciding what was next. If the male fertility doctor said that he could do something for Randy then we could try another IUI or we may be able to get pregnant naturally. If there is nothing the doctor can do then she said we may end up needing to do IVF (In Vitro).
Randy and I are crossing our fingers and praying that whatever is causing his numbers to jump around is an easy fix and that we won't have to go the more expensive route. For those who don't know, one round of IVF can cost upwards of $20,000. And just like an IUI it's not guaranteed to work. Although the odds of it working are a lot higher.
We hope that he just has some sort of hormone imbalance because that is an easy fix. A little bit harder of a fix is if he needs surgery. We're hoping that this is not the case but it is still cheaper than going the IVF route. Also if either of these are the case then hopefully it will be fixed and we won't have any more trouble conceiving this baby and the ones to come.
After about a month (seriously a month!) we finally got through to the male fertility doctor. (This was last week) We now have an appointment set for Dec. 18! Randy has to get a lot of work done before we go. Including a very extensive blood test and another semen analysis. Although I know Randy is nervous, we both feel that this is what we need to be doing at this time in our journey.
It's been really nice for me because I feel a lot less stressed because I know that I am done being tested on, at least for now. No more ultrasounds or needles or drugs! I know I'll probably have to go back to that at some point but at least for now I do not have to worry or stress about any of that. It's Randy's turn ;)
We feel like we have been greatly blessed throughout our journey so far. Each of the doctors we've been to have tested, found something that needed fixed, fixed it and then gave us more questions that need answered. With each answered question, we feel we get one step closer to finally getting pregnant and having children of our own! We may not know how many more questions we'll have but we will keep searching and finding answers until there are no more because we are finally pregnant.
Love this!
I will still be posting every Tuesday and Thursday! I will update you all on our journey as we go through it. You'll just have to deal with some of our daily life ;)
Til next time!
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Thanksgiving 2015
Did you all have a great Thanskgiving? I know I did!
Randy and I actually had a "first" in our 4 1/2 years of being married! We had Thanksgiving as just the two of us! Oh and Oscar! We had a huge snowstorm blow through and so we decided it would be for the best if we stayed home instead of going to visit family as planned. We ended up getting about 6 inches of snow! I love it!
Thanksgiving day was amazing! We got the turkey in the oven and got to work on the rest of the meal. I knew that the sweet potatoes were going to take a little longer so I got to work on peeling them. On the very first potato I was peeling I tried to slice the tip of my finger off! I started saying ow! and Randy came running to see what had happened.
We got it bandaged up and Randy took over peeling while I sat down to hopefully get it to stop bleeding. I also think I went into a little bit of shock! So sitting down was probably the best idea. Oscar came and snuggled with me until I got up to help again.
We finished slicing the potatoes and put them on the stove to boil. Then we got to work on the green bean casserole. Once that was put together and cooking in the crock pot. We decided it was time for a break! So we went outside and Randy shoveled the sidewalk. While shoveling we played with Oscar! It was tons of fun! Oscar LOVES the snow! I'll see if I can put a video in for you! If not I apologize and you'll just have to imagine it ;)
After we were thoroughly cold we went back inside and finished up the last of what needed prepped for dinner. Then we ate! Deliciousness that consisted of turkey (of course), stuffing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, olives, and pumpkin pie! It was delicious and we get to eat it for the next week!!
We just kind of relaxed for the rest of the day after that. Which was nice just to take a break from everything. We missed spending the day with family but it was nice just being with Randy and Oscar, my own little family :)
Just so you all know, my finger is fine! There was just a small bit of skin that I sliced off. Yes it still hurts but it's healing well. I believe it hurts because the nerve that is in your pinkie is actually the same nerve you hit when you hit your funny bone. Who knew right? Well besides those who actually need to know, like doctors and nurses and such.
Also do not fear! I will continue with our fertility journey on Thursday!
I hope that your Thanksgiving was as amazing as mine was and that you got what you wanted at the Black Friday sales! ;) Feel free to share any crazy stories from Thanksgiving that you may have!
Til next time!
Randy and I actually had a "first" in our 4 1/2 years of being married! We had Thanksgiving as just the two of us! Oh and Oscar! We had a huge snowstorm blow through and so we decided it would be for the best if we stayed home instead of going to visit family as planned. We ended up getting about 6 inches of snow! I love it!
Thanksgiving day was amazing! We got the turkey in the oven and got to work on the rest of the meal. I knew that the sweet potatoes were going to take a little longer so I got to work on peeling them. On the very first potato I was peeling I tried to slice the tip of my finger off! I started saying ow! and Randy came running to see what had happened.
My poor pinkie! |
We finished slicing the potatoes and put them on the stove to boil. Then we got to work on the green bean casserole. Once that was put together and cooking in the crock pot. We decided it was time for a break! So we went outside and Randy shoveled the sidewalk. While shoveling we played with Oscar! It was tons of fun! Oscar LOVES the snow! I'll see if I can put a video in for you! If not I apologize and you'll just have to imagine it ;)
Sorry if it's poor quality!
Randy and Oscar posing for the camera!
My first turkey!
Just so you all know, my finger is fine! There was just a small bit of skin that I sliced off. Yes it still hurts but it's healing well. I believe it hurts because the nerve that is in your pinkie is actually the same nerve you hit when you hit your funny bone. Who knew right? Well besides those who actually need to know, like doctors and nurses and such.
Also do not fear! I will continue with our fertility journey on Thursday!
I hope that your Thanksgiving was as amazing as mine was and that you got what you wanted at the Black Friday sales! ;) Feel free to share any crazy stories from Thanksgiving that you may have!
Til next time!
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
IUI #1- Test Day
As test day got closer and closer Randy and I got more and more nervous and hopeful. I mean we were excited but neither of us knew what the test would come back as. We were hopeful it would be positive but also nervous and knew that there was also the possibility for it to be negative. We had in the back of our minds all the past fails and I think that helped us to stay more grounded instead of up in the clouds with our hopes too high.
I debated with myself multiple times about taking an at home test just so I'd be prepared in case it was negative. After going back and forth for a few days I decided it would be best to wait.
When test day was finally here we drove to the doctors office so I could give my blood. The nurse was super nice but I ended up with the biggest bruise I have ever gotten from a blood draw! After she had finished she told us that we would get a call with the results later that afternoon.
While waiting we went and visited with family and friends and went and ate lunch. I kept hoping that when the call came we wouldn't be with family so that we could either have a happy or sad moment together.
As 1 o clock passed, then 2, then 3. I got more and more nervous and worried that maybe they wouldn't call and that we'd have to wait til the next week for results. As 4 o clock rolled around with still no call I had just about given up hope that they would call. Then the phone finally rang. We were at a mall and Randy unfortunately was in line purchasing something to drink. So I took the phone call myself.
As I'm typing this, all of the emotions of that day and the few days following are coming back.
The phone call went as follows.
Me: Hello
Doctor: Is this Rebecca Denson?
M: Yes, it is.
D: Hi, Rebecca. I was calling to let you know the results of your test this morning.
M: Ok...?
D: I am sorry to inform you but the test came back negative.
M: Oh, ok. Thank you.
D: We would like you to stop taking your medication and when your cycle begins give us a call.
M: Ok, I will. Thank you.
D: Goodbye.
M: Bye
We were in a very public place so I had to hold myself together. I told Randy the results. And not too long after we left. When we got in the car we talked about it all. We decided that I needed to stay with my family until my cycle started since that would be in a couple of days. And that I would go to the first ultrasound for the next IUI myself with either my sister or my mom. Since Randy had to be back to work.
We then went to visit Randy's grandma. She knew why we were down and she asked if we had gotten the results. I couldn't speak, and luckily Randy could and he told her that it was a no. Thankfully she changed the subject and we had a nice visit with her. We then headed back to Wyoming.
Randy called his parents and let them know. My sister texted me and we texted her back and let her know as well. When we got to my families house everyone was asleep so we went in to the guest room and fell asleep too.
The next morning Randy left to head home for work later that day and I stayed. My parents had to work so I didn't see them until they got back. This whole time I thought my sister had been with my family and had told them all the results. When my parents asked what the results were I realized I was wrong and that she hadn't. Randy wasn't there to tell them for me so I had to tell them I was not pregnant. I cried for the first time and my mom cried with me. I explained to them our plan for me to stay until my cycle began so we could do another IUI.
This was one of the hardest blogs I have ever had to write. It is definitely one of the most emotional ones so far at least for me. That day was one of the hardest days that I've had to go through so far. I know that you are all just as hopeful as I am that some day that call will be the one that says, Congrats! You're pregnant! I hope that day is sooner rather than later.
Randy and I have not given up hope. One failed attempt does not mean we have to quit. It actually taught us so much and raised questions for both Randy and I and our doctor which I will write about soon :) Every time you fail at something you learn something new that you remember the next time you try. These things you learn eventually help you succeed and I look forward to the day when we have finally learned everything we need to know and succeed in our attempts to get pregnant! :)
For those wondering where I am at in telling our story this happened back in September so we are slowly getting closer to where we are in our story now. :)
I hope your day goes awesome!
Til next time!
Also just a note, as Thanksgiving is next week and I believe that day should be spent with family. There will be no new blog posts the whole week of Thanksgiving!
I debated with myself multiple times about taking an at home test just so I'd be prepared in case it was negative. After going back and forth for a few days I decided it would be best to wait.
When test day was finally here we drove to the doctors office so I could give my blood. The nurse was super nice but I ended up with the biggest bruise I have ever gotten from a blood draw! After she had finished she told us that we would get a call with the results later that afternoon.
While waiting we went and visited with family and friends and went and ate lunch. I kept hoping that when the call came we wouldn't be with family so that we could either have a happy or sad moment together.
As 1 o clock passed, then 2, then 3. I got more and more nervous and worried that maybe they wouldn't call and that we'd have to wait til the next week for results. As 4 o clock rolled around with still no call I had just about given up hope that they would call. Then the phone finally rang. We were at a mall and Randy unfortunately was in line purchasing something to drink. So I took the phone call myself.
As I'm typing this, all of the emotions of that day and the few days following are coming back.
The phone call went as follows.
Me: Hello
Doctor: Is this Rebecca Denson?
M: Yes, it is.
D: Hi, Rebecca. I was calling to let you know the results of your test this morning.
M: Ok...?
D: I am sorry to inform you but the test came back negative.
M: Oh, ok. Thank you.
D: We would like you to stop taking your medication and when your cycle begins give us a call.
M: Ok, I will. Thank you.
D: Goodbye.
M: Bye
This is a good representation of how we felt.
We were in a very public place so I had to hold myself together. I told Randy the results. And not too long after we left. When we got in the car we talked about it all. We decided that I needed to stay with my family until my cycle started since that would be in a couple of days. And that I would go to the first ultrasound for the next IUI myself with either my sister or my mom. Since Randy had to be back to work.
We then went to visit Randy's grandma. She knew why we were down and she asked if we had gotten the results. I couldn't speak, and luckily Randy could and he told her that it was a no. Thankfully she changed the subject and we had a nice visit with her. We then headed back to Wyoming.
Randy called his parents and let them know. My sister texted me and we texted her back and let her know as well. When we got to my families house everyone was asleep so we went in to the guest room and fell asleep too.
The next morning Randy left to head home for work later that day and I stayed. My parents had to work so I didn't see them until they got back. This whole time I thought my sister had been with my family and had told them all the results. When my parents asked what the results were I realized I was wrong and that she hadn't. Randy wasn't there to tell them for me so I had to tell them I was not pregnant. I cried for the first time and my mom cried with me. I explained to them our plan for me to stay until my cycle began so we could do another IUI.
This was one of the hardest blogs I have ever had to write. It is definitely one of the most emotional ones so far at least for me. That day was one of the hardest days that I've had to go through so far. I know that you are all just as hopeful as I am that some day that call will be the one that says, Congrats! You're pregnant! I hope that day is sooner rather than later.
This is one of my favorite talks from Elder Holland.
You can either read the talk here: Talk
Or watch the mormon message here: Good Things to Come Video
Randy and I have not given up hope. One failed attempt does not mean we have to quit. It actually taught us so much and raised questions for both Randy and I and our doctor which I will write about soon :) Every time you fail at something you learn something new that you remember the next time you try. These things you learn eventually help you succeed and I look forward to the day when we have finally learned everything we need to know and succeed in our attempts to get pregnant! :)
For those wondering where I am at in telling our story this happened back in September so we are slowly getting closer to where we are in our story now. :)
I hope your day goes awesome!
Til next time!
Also just a note, as Thanksgiving is next week and I believe that day should be spent with family. There will be no new blog posts the whole week of Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 12, 2015
The Two Week Wait- IUI #1
For anyone trying to get pregnant, the worst part is the two week wait (TWW). For those who don't know what this is, here is a brief explanation.
The TWW is the time from when a woman ovulated to when she can test to see if she is pregnant. This is usually about 14 days, i.e.: two weeks. Got it? Great :)
Now this TWW after the IUI had been done was probably THE worst one I've ever had! The hormones that I had been given affected me A LOT!
First off, the HCG trigger shot. This I knew would probably give me an idea of how I would be while pregnant. I had read that a lot of women got really bad morning sickness while others did not, and that the symptoms they experienced coincided with what they actually experienced while pregnant. Well I can tell you this much, I'm looking forward to getting pregnant because I didn't even feel nauseous! But it did make me EXTREMELY tired. Like, sleeping 12 hours at night and taking a 3-4 hour nap during the day. It also made my girls aka: boobs ;) extremely achy and sore.
On top of that I was also taking the progesterone. This made me VERY emotional! I mean I would cry at the drop of a dime for no reason at all! It was horrible! A pro to taking the progesterone was that my hair thickened up. It was so nice!
One horrible side effect that I'm not sure caused it was that I got rashes. They would show up, itch really bad for awhile, and then they'd be gone. Not fun!
I've come to the conclusion that when I am finally pregnant, I'm going to be an extremely tired, very emotional, rashy woman with fabulous hair! Lol!
I think that this specific TWW was the worst also because we knew that we had a higher chance of getting pregnant. At least a little higher than any other month up to that point. And we were hopeful that it would work out like we would like it to.
For any women out there suffering through the dreaded TWW, I feel ya! And there are many other women who know what you're going through as well!
Til next time!
The TWW is the time from when a woman ovulated to when she can test to see if she is pregnant. This is usually about 14 days, i.e.: two weeks. Got it? Great :)
Now this TWW after the IUI had been done was probably THE worst one I've ever had! The hormones that I had been given affected me A LOT!
First off, the HCG trigger shot. This I knew would probably give me an idea of how I would be while pregnant. I had read that a lot of women got really bad morning sickness while others did not, and that the symptoms they experienced coincided with what they actually experienced while pregnant. Well I can tell you this much, I'm looking forward to getting pregnant because I didn't even feel nauseous! But it did make me EXTREMELY tired. Like, sleeping 12 hours at night and taking a 3-4 hour nap during the day. It also made my girls aka: boobs ;) extremely achy and sore.
On top of that I was also taking the progesterone. This made me VERY emotional! I mean I would cry at the drop of a dime for no reason at all! It was horrible! A pro to taking the progesterone was that my hair thickened up. It was so nice!
One horrible side effect that I'm not sure caused it was that I got rashes. They would show up, itch really bad for awhile, and then they'd be gone. Not fun!
I've come to the conclusion that when I am finally pregnant, I'm going to be an extremely tired, very emotional, rashy woman with fabulous hair! Lol!
I think that this specific TWW was the worst also because we knew that we had a higher chance of getting pregnant. At least a little higher than any other month up to that point. And we were hopeful that it would work out like we would like it to.
For any women out there suffering through the dreaded TWW, I feel ya! And there are many other women who know what you're going through as well!
Til next time!
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Dreams and Deja Vu...
How many of you have dreams? How many of you have dreams that turn into Deja Vu moments? How many of you just have the Deja Vu moments?
Well I have all three and frequently!
Usually my dreams are pretty vivid and I've discovered that if I am close to waking up I can pretty much control the dream. It's actually kinda fun! I've gotten to fly in my dreams multiple times just by spreading my arms and flapping lol. I would love if that could actually happen!
When I have dreams that turn into deja vu moments, I usually do not remember that it was a dream until the deja vu moment happens. It can be kinda freaky sometimes because the real life moment will go pretty much as my dream went. I sometimes will say something just slightly different just so it is different. These moments happen at random, from helping someone at a cash register to walking around a corner in my house.
Sometimes the deja vu moments will be just that, deja vu. No dream will pop into my head, finally remembered. Just those weird moments that seem very familiar.
You all are probably wondering where I'm going with this lol. Don't worry I'm about to enlighten you! I wanted to share a specific dream that, in a way, became a reality.
When I had this dream, I was super confused because it made no sense! It wasn't for almost a year and a half that it finally clicked as to what it was and why I had had the dream!
The dream started off pretty normal my older sister had announced to the family that she was expecting again and we were all excited. Then not too long after I discovered that I was expecting! We were excited because that meant our kids would be close in age and could grow up together.
This is where the dream started to get weird. My older sister was still pregnant but I had given birth! It was strange to me but just kinda went with it. Then this little baby boy who was supposed to be 3 months old looked and acted like he was 7! All I could think was "wait a minute! you should still be nursing!" My older sister throughout all of this was still pregnant!
I then woke up.
I was super confused! I kinda compared how quickly I'd been pregnant in my dream with the Twilight books when Bella was pregnant and it was like double time for her to have the baby.
Well I kinda put the dream into the back of my mind for a year and a half.
My realization of what the dream meant hit me a couple months ago.
This past spring, my older sister announced that she was pregnant! About a month or so later we figured out that we were going to get a puppy! (Do you see where I'm going with this?) For those who do not know, dogs grow super fast! Our puppy is a boy, and when he was only 3 months old I remembered this dream and realized that it was the Lord's way of telling me that he was sending me a child. (Cue the tears while typing this lol)
The Lord knew that I needed one to help me until we could get pregnant. And even though I didn't realize it at the time I had the dream. It was the Lord's way of comforting me. He was letting me know that he was going to send a special kind of spirit down to help. How grateful I am for that! I LOVE my little puppy who is growing up way too fast! I'm excited for when we do finally get pregnant and have children because they are going to LOVE him too!
Feel free to share any Deja Vu moments or dreams that you've had in the comments! I love to hear from you!
Til next time!
Well I have all three and frequently!
Usually my dreams are pretty vivid and I've discovered that if I am close to waking up I can pretty much control the dream. It's actually kinda fun! I've gotten to fly in my dreams multiple times just by spreading my arms and flapping lol. I would love if that could actually happen!
When I have dreams that turn into deja vu moments, I usually do not remember that it was a dream until the deja vu moment happens. It can be kinda freaky sometimes because the real life moment will go pretty much as my dream went. I sometimes will say something just slightly different just so it is different. These moments happen at random, from helping someone at a cash register to walking around a corner in my house.
Sometimes the deja vu moments will be just that, deja vu. No dream will pop into my head, finally remembered. Just those weird moments that seem very familiar.
You all are probably wondering where I'm going with this lol. Don't worry I'm about to enlighten you! I wanted to share a specific dream that, in a way, became a reality.
When I had this dream, I was super confused because it made no sense! It wasn't for almost a year and a half that it finally clicked as to what it was and why I had had the dream!
The dream started off pretty normal my older sister had announced to the family that she was expecting again and we were all excited. Then not too long after I discovered that I was expecting! We were excited because that meant our kids would be close in age and could grow up together.
This is where the dream started to get weird. My older sister was still pregnant but I had given birth! It was strange to me but just kinda went with it. Then this little baby boy who was supposed to be 3 months old looked and acted like he was 7! All I could think was "wait a minute! you should still be nursing!" My older sister throughout all of this was still pregnant!
I then woke up.
I was super confused! I kinda compared how quickly I'd been pregnant in my dream with the Twilight books when Bella was pregnant and it was like double time for her to have the baby.
Well I kinda put the dream into the back of my mind for a year and a half.
My realization of what the dream meant hit me a couple months ago.
This past spring, my older sister announced that she was pregnant! About a month or so later we figured out that we were going to get a puppy! (Do you see where I'm going with this?) For those who do not know, dogs grow super fast! Our puppy is a boy, and when he was only 3 months old I remembered this dream and realized that it was the Lord's way of telling me that he was sending me a child. (Cue the tears while typing this lol)
Oscar at 6 Weeks, just after we picked him up!
The Lord knew that I needed one to help me until we could get pregnant. And even though I didn't realize it at the time I had the dream. It was the Lord's way of comforting me. He was letting me know that he was going to send a special kind of spirit down to help. How grateful I am for that! I LOVE my little puppy who is growing up way too fast! I'm excited for when we do finally get pregnant and have children because they are going to LOVE him too!
Oscar at about 5 Months!
Feel free to share any Deja Vu moments or dreams that you've had in the comments! I love to hear from you!
Til next time!
Thursday, November 5, 2015
IUI #1- Procedure
I don't even know how to start this blog lol I've had a headache all day and can't think of anything catchy! So I'll just jump right into the events of that day.
First off, Randy and I were both very nervous for various reasons before the actual procedure. I was nervous because the last time someone had tried to get a catheter through my cervix they failed. And I was super worried that would happen again. I was also nervous about how painful it could be. I am permanently scarred emotionally because of when my doctor scraped the blockage away. I was certain it was going to be as painful as that.
Randy was nervous going in because of the two semen analysis' he had had done. One had a really bad count and the other had a pretty average count. He was worried that his donation wouldn't be enough.
We were both nervous and excited because this could be it. We could finally have a higher chance at getting pregnant compared to the chances we already have.
For the actual procedure, Randy had to go 2 hours early to give them his donation. This is because after they get his donation they have to do a special wash on the sperm. This wash makes them safe to be put directly into my uterus. For those wondering, women's cervix's usually do this job, by washing away the bad and letting in the good.
The actual procedure went fairly quick. We got there and we went back. The doctor explained what she was going to do and we had to sign a waiver saying we understood the risks. (Uterine infection, UTI, and so on) After signing I got undressed and got on the table. The doctor came back in and told us Randy's numbers. They were just over 1 million... :( she told us that this lessened our odds but that we only need one. So we went ahead with the procedure.
As she was inserting the catheter she said that it usually takes a moment for her to get through (this worried me a lot) but almost as soon as she finished saying that she was able to get through my cervix!! I felt relief! At least I know for sure now that sperm can get up there! (Sorry if that was TMI) Despite my fears I barely had any pain throughout the procedure! Thank goodness for that! The doctor was able to place the sperm where they needed to be and then she told me to stay on the table and she would elevate my hips. I had to stay there for 15 minutes with my hips elevated and then I could get dressed and could come out to the foyer to receive instructions for the next two weeks.
They gave me directions on how often and when to take my next medication. Which I was to start two nights later. This medication was progesterone. This is the hormone your body usually produces after you ovulate to tell you're lining to thicken for pregnancy. This happens every month whether you're pregnant or not. They put me on it so that in the case that I did get pregnant that I would hopefully not be deficient in this hormone because it also helps sustain pregnancy.
After telling me about the prescription, my doctor set up an appointment for me to come back in two weeks to get a blood pregnancy test done.
We spent the rest of our day with family in Utah :)
First off, Randy and I were both very nervous for various reasons before the actual procedure. I was nervous because the last time someone had tried to get a catheter through my cervix they failed. And I was super worried that would happen again. I was also nervous about how painful it could be. I am permanently scarred emotionally because of when my doctor scraped the blockage away. I was certain it was going to be as painful as that.
Randy was nervous going in because of the two semen analysis' he had had done. One had a really bad count and the other had a pretty average count. He was worried that his donation wouldn't be enough.
We were both nervous and excited because this could be it. We could finally have a higher chance at getting pregnant compared to the chances we already have.
For the actual procedure, Randy had to go 2 hours early to give them his donation. This is because after they get his donation they have to do a special wash on the sperm. This wash makes them safe to be put directly into my uterus. For those wondering, women's cervix's usually do this job, by washing away the bad and letting in the good.
The actual procedure went fairly quick. We got there and we went back. The doctor explained what she was going to do and we had to sign a waiver saying we understood the risks. (Uterine infection, UTI, and so on) After signing I got undressed and got on the table. The doctor came back in and told us Randy's numbers. They were just over 1 million... :( she told us that this lessened our odds but that we only need one. So we went ahead with the procedure.
As she was inserting the catheter she said that it usually takes a moment for her to get through (this worried me a lot) but almost as soon as she finished saying that she was able to get through my cervix!! I felt relief! At least I know for sure now that sperm can get up there! (Sorry if that was TMI) Despite my fears I barely had any pain throughout the procedure! Thank goodness for that! The doctor was able to place the sperm where they needed to be and then she told me to stay on the table and she would elevate my hips. I had to stay there for 15 minutes with my hips elevated and then I could get dressed and could come out to the foyer to receive instructions for the next two weeks.
They gave me directions on how often and when to take my next medication. Which I was to start two nights later. This medication was progesterone. This is the hormone your body usually produces after you ovulate to tell you're lining to thicken for pregnancy. This happens every month whether you're pregnant or not. They put me on it so that in the case that I did get pregnant that I would hopefully not be deficient in this hormone because it also helps sustain pregnancy.
After telling me about the prescription, my doctor set up an appointment for me to come back in two weeks to get a blood pregnancy test done.
We spent the rest of our day with family in Utah :)
Randy and I just after the procedure :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
IUI #1- Second Appointment
This time change has been crazy!! It's messing me up on my weekly schedule! That's why I'm a little late posting today. Anyways... You all want to know the next part of the story, so here it is!
Our next appointment for the IUI process was on day 12 of my cycle. At this appointment they do an ultrasound to check a couple of things. Randy and I were a little anxious about this appointment because it determined when we would do the actual IUI.
They put us into a room and I got ready for the ultrasound. The lady came in and began the ultrasound. She checked my uterine lining first. They do this to make sure your body has a thick enough lining to support a growing baby. Mine was right where it needed to be!
She then checked my ovaries to see how the medication I was given worked. She first checked my right ovary. It had an egg growing the measured at a 20. And then she checked my left ovary. It also had an egg growing that measured at a 24!!
After seeing this she informed us that they usually want to see the eggs between 20-24 before they do the trigger shot. This meant that I could get the trigger shot and the IUI would be done the next day!! We were so excited and anxious to finally know when the IUI would happen.
There was just one thing standing in our way. And that was the trigger shot... This shot contains the HCG hormone. Which as some of you know is the pregnancy hormone. This hormone tells my body to release the eggs. It also makes your body think you are pregnant and a lot of women will feel the symptoms of pregnancy in the days following.
I was supposed to give it to myself at the time they told me and I was nervous about that. I mean who likes to get shots?! Let alone have to give yourself those shots! Luckily for me, they said that they could give me the shot there since it was the time I would have given it to myself anyway. So we went into the room and a nurse showed me how to administer the shot in case there's a next time that I would actually have to give myself the shot. This shot is given in the belly and surprisingly the shot did not hurt! At least not until later lol
After I was given the shot they took us out and explained what would happen the next day. We left that appointment super excited and nervous!
I just want to give a little note of encouragement to all those women out there struggling to get pregnant. Don't give up hope!! Keep trying and doing your best! It will happen some day!
To those of you who have to give yourself shots every day for a treatment you're going through, I commend you! I know I'd struggle having to do that!
Til next time!
Our next appointment for the IUI process was on day 12 of my cycle. At this appointment they do an ultrasound to check a couple of things. Randy and I were a little anxious about this appointment because it determined when we would do the actual IUI.
They put us into a room and I got ready for the ultrasound. The lady came in and began the ultrasound. She checked my uterine lining first. They do this to make sure your body has a thick enough lining to support a growing baby. Mine was right where it needed to be!
She then checked my ovaries to see how the medication I was given worked. She first checked my right ovary. It had an egg growing the measured at a 20. And then she checked my left ovary. It also had an egg growing that measured at a 24!!
After seeing this she informed us that they usually want to see the eggs between 20-24 before they do the trigger shot. This meant that I could get the trigger shot and the IUI would be done the next day!! We were so excited and anxious to finally know when the IUI would happen.
There was just one thing standing in our way. And that was the trigger shot... This shot contains the HCG hormone. Which as some of you know is the pregnancy hormone. This hormone tells my body to release the eggs. It also makes your body think you are pregnant and a lot of women will feel the symptoms of pregnancy in the days following.
I was supposed to give it to myself at the time they told me and I was nervous about that. I mean who likes to get shots?! Let alone have to give yourself those shots! Luckily for me, they said that they could give me the shot there since it was the time I would have given it to myself anyway. So we went into the room and a nurse showed me how to administer the shot in case there's a next time that I would actually have to give myself the shot. This shot is given in the belly and surprisingly the shot did not hurt! At least not until later lol
After I was given the shot they took us out and explained what would happen the next day. We left that appointment super excited and nervous!
I just want to give a little note of encouragement to all those women out there struggling to get pregnant. Don't give up hope!! Keep trying and doing your best! It will happen some day!
To those of you who have to give yourself shots every day for a treatment you're going through, I commend you! I know I'd struggle having to do that!
Til next time!
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Some Days are Good, Some Days are Bad
With endometriosis I have good days and I have bad days. Bad days are when I'm in pain and have little to no energy. Good days are when I feel more like a normal person and have energy and a desire to do the things I need to do. I want to give you a peak into my life on a good day and a bad day.
Bad Day
Wake up and start to plan what I need to do today
Ouch my back.
Eat breakfast
I'm exhausted, I'll get those things done this afternoon.
Sit or lay in bed and watch tv for awhile.
I'm hungry. Eat lunch.
Back hurts worse and starting to cramp in my pelvis area now. It's like it's radiating.
In pain and still exhausted, I'll have to get those things done tomorrow.
I need to shower, I smell bad.
Maybe it'll help.
Take shower.
Nope it did not help.
Even more exhausted.
Eat dinner.
Randy is home!
Sit in bed and talk and watch our YouTubes.
Read scriptures and pray.
Randy falls asleep super fast.
I'm wide awake next to him wondering what happened to the exhaustion I've been feeling all day.
Fall asleep 2-3 hours later
Good Day
I actually had a good day yesterday :) here's how it went.
Wake up and plan out my day.
Eat breakfast and watch a couple episodes of my show.
Get restless and walk to the kitchen.
Decide to play the piano for awhile.
Eat and watch an episode of my show.
Get restless again.
Walk to the kitchen and remember about our ward Halloween party.
Put a crockpot taco soup together and get it cooking.
Decide that I smell bad and I take a shower.
Get dressed in actual clothes.
Load up Oscar and we go visit Randy at work!
Come home and get everything ready for the Halloween party.
Go to Halloween party.
Get to know new people (new ward).
Help clean up after.
Go home and play with Oscar.
Randy's home!
We watch our YouTubes and talk.
Read scriptures and pray.
Randy falls asleep right away.
Only an hour to fall asleep this time!!
Not every bad day do I lay around. Sometimes I push through the pain and try to act normal. If it's a bad day that I'm pushing through you might see me grimace because of pain but I do my best to hide it.
As my endometriosis has gotten worse I have fewer good days and more bad days. I try my best to make them all look like they are good days. Because I truly believe that if you see them as good then they will be better than if you see them as bad.
Til next time!
Bad Day
Wake up and start to plan what I need to do today
Ouch my back.
Eat breakfast
I'm exhausted, I'll get those things done this afternoon.
Sit or lay in bed and watch tv for awhile.
I'm hungry. Eat lunch.
Back hurts worse and starting to cramp in my pelvis area now. It's like it's radiating.
In pain and still exhausted, I'll have to get those things done tomorrow.
I need to shower, I smell bad.
Maybe it'll help.
Take shower.
Nope it did not help.
Even more exhausted.
Eat dinner.
Randy is home!
Sit in bed and talk and watch our YouTubes.
Read scriptures and pray.
Randy falls asleep super fast.
I'm wide awake next to him wondering what happened to the exhaustion I've been feeling all day.
Fall asleep 2-3 hours later
Good Day
I actually had a good day yesterday :) here's how it went.
Wake up and plan out my day.
Eat breakfast and watch a couple episodes of my show.
Get restless and walk to the kitchen.
Decide to play the piano for awhile.
Eat and watch an episode of my show.
Get restless again.
Walk to the kitchen and remember about our ward Halloween party.
Put a crockpot taco soup together and get it cooking.
Decide that I smell bad and I take a shower.
Get dressed in actual clothes.
Load up Oscar and we go visit Randy at work!
Come home and get everything ready for the Halloween party.
Go to Halloween party.
Get to know new people (new ward).
Help clean up after.
Go home and play with Oscar.
Randy's home!
We watch our YouTubes and talk.
Read scriptures and pray.
Randy falls asleep right away.
Only an hour to fall asleep this time!!
Not every bad day do I lay around. Sometimes I push through the pain and try to act normal. If it's a bad day that I'm pushing through you might see me grimace because of pain but I do my best to hide it.
As my endometriosis has gotten worse I have fewer good days and more bad days. I try my best to make them all look like they are good days. Because I truly believe that if you see them as good then they will be better than if you see them as bad.
I love this picture because it kinda describes
how my body may be a little broken but I'm still ok.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
IUI #1- First Appointment
Before I tell you about my first appointment for IUI #1, I wanted to share a scripture from my reading yesterday that stuck out to me. It's Mormon 5:23 and it says, "Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God? Know ye not that he hath all power, and at his great command the earth shall be rolled together as a scroll?" I really liked this because it reminded me that the Lord has all power and he knows when the time is right for me to get pregnant and begin our family :) when that time is I do not know but I trust that when that time is right the Lord will use that power to help us get pregnant!
Ok onto the story!
At my first appointment for the IUI process I had a whirl of emotions going on. I was hopeful, scared, happy, sad, and worried all at once! This first appointment was just an ultrasound. This ultrasound would be used as a baseline for the rest of my appointments before the IUI would be done. The worst thing about this ultrasound was that it had to be done on day 3 of my cycle, which meant that I was on my period... It's bad enough having to get half naked for appointments but being on your period makes that 100 times worse! Not fun at all.
This ultrasound confirmed that I do not have PCOS. It also gave them an idea of my baseline for my lining. These are both important things since they determined the medications and amounts of each that I would need.
After the appointment was over they went over the schedule for the rest of the IUI process. They told me when to come back and when to take the medications I was prescribed.
I was prescribed 3 different medications. The first was Femara, which I had to take starting on day 5 for 5 days. This medication is used to increase the number of eggs I produce, which more eggs produced means a higher chance to get pregnant. The 2nd medication I was prescribed was a shot of HCG. This I did not use until later and I'll explain what it was in the appointment I used it in. The 3rd medication was progesterone. This I did not use until after they did they IUI.
When I saw these medications I was being prescribed all I could think was that I was probably going to be a hormonal wreck. That prediction turned out to be very true!
After the appointment was over I still was stressed and worried but my hope was a little higher than before and we hoped that this process would go quick! We went and filled the prescriptions and went home until the next appointment.
I hope you all are having a great week!
Til next time!
Ok onto the story!
At my first appointment for the IUI process I had a whirl of emotions going on. I was hopeful, scared, happy, sad, and worried all at once! This first appointment was just an ultrasound. This ultrasound would be used as a baseline for the rest of my appointments before the IUI would be done. The worst thing about this ultrasound was that it had to be done on day 3 of my cycle, which meant that I was on my period... It's bad enough having to get half naked for appointments but being on your period makes that 100 times worse! Not fun at all.
This ultrasound confirmed that I do not have PCOS. It also gave them an idea of my baseline for my lining. These are both important things since they determined the medications and amounts of each that I would need.
After the appointment was over they went over the schedule for the rest of the IUI process. They told me when to come back and when to take the medications I was prescribed.
I was prescribed 3 different medications. The first was Femara, which I had to take starting on day 5 for 5 days. This medication is used to increase the number of eggs I produce, which more eggs produced means a higher chance to get pregnant. The 2nd medication I was prescribed was a shot of HCG. This I did not use until later and I'll explain what it was in the appointment I used it in. The 3rd medication was progesterone. This I did not use until after they did they IUI.
When I saw these medications I was being prescribed all I could think was that I was probably going to be a hormonal wreck. That prediction turned out to be very true!
After the appointment was over I still was stressed and worried but my hope was a little higher than before and we hoped that this process would go quick! We went and filled the prescriptions and went home until the next appointment.
I hope you all are having a great week!
Til next time!
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Life is NOT just about Infertility!!
I want you all to know that life is NOT just about infertility!! There is so much more! It took me awhile to figure that out, and when I did my perspective changed. I realized that whether I have children or not, life is going to keep going, and I can either live it to the fullest or be depressed and sad. I choose to live it to the fullest!!
Because of this change in perspective, my husband and I decided that we wouldn't continue waiting for children to make life changes. We of course rely on the Lord in making any type of decision, big or small, and we now know that it's ok to ask about larger changes. For example, moving to Wyoming was a huge change that we probably wouldn't have made if we hadn't relied on the Lord and realized that he knew where we needed to be. Even though this meant changing doctors and stopping the search for answers for awhile.
Some big life changes we've made since moving to Wyoming are buying a house and getting a dog!! We always knew that we would eventually buy a house and we knew we'd always get a dog. We just never expected them to come so soon!
Buying a house was a long process and there were lots of ups and downs while doing the search. I'll go through that process in a little more detail in another post! We finally found the one we liked and we do not regret it one bit! We are still trying to have kids but we aren't putting our lives on hold until they come.
Speaking of kids, we got ourselves a fur baby! I'm so grateful for my little pup! He's helped me cope with so many emotions over the few months since we got him. He literally is a member of our family, my little baby boy. He's growing up quick but I wouldn't have it any other way!
Please feel free to share in the comments how you keep living your life to the fullest!!
Til next time!
Because of this change in perspective, my husband and I decided that we wouldn't continue waiting for children to make life changes. We of course rely on the Lord in making any type of decision, big or small, and we now know that it's ok to ask about larger changes. For example, moving to Wyoming was a huge change that we probably wouldn't have made if we hadn't relied on the Lord and realized that he knew where we needed to be. Even though this meant changing doctors and stopping the search for answers for awhile.
Some big life changes we've made since moving to Wyoming are buying a house and getting a dog!! We always knew that we would eventually buy a house and we knew we'd always get a dog. We just never expected them to come so soon!
Buying a house was a long process and there were lots of ups and downs while doing the search. I'll go through that process in a little more detail in another post! We finally found the one we liked and we do not regret it one bit! We are still trying to have kids but we aren't putting our lives on hold until they come.
Our Home :)
It looks different now since we pulled those large bushes out!
Speaking of kids, we got ourselves a fur baby! I'm so grateful for my little pup! He's helped me cope with so many emotions over the few months since we got him. He literally is a member of our family, my little baby boy. He's growing up quick but I wouldn't have it any other way!
Our puppy Oscar!
Til next time!
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
The Phone Call
While titling this post, and coming up with "the Phonecall," all I could think was that it really sounds foreboding! But trust me it was a good phone call. Full of answers and hope!

Here's a picture of me and my hubby goofing off :) just cause.
I received the call from my doctor with the results from our blood tests and from Randy's semen analysis. They had not received all of Randy's blood test results back but those that they had gotten were normal! My results for the blood test came back normal as well. Along with the blood tests, my doctor also had me tested to see how my egg reserve was. She said that it was excellent and that I still had plenty of eggs in reserve! It was great news, but all I could think besides 'yay! Lots of eggs means more chances for babies!' Was 'oh no! More eggs means more periods!' Lol that tells you how much I hate having periods!
Randy and I were both worried about his results from the semen analysis. Since his test with our last doctor was so low. Well we were surprised when she told us that his numbers were now at 18 million! Slightly abnormal since they wanted them at 20 or above. The morphology and mobility were either right at where they needed to be or just slightly below! We were relieved and excited! Because 18 million is much better than 1.5 million any day!
Now that we had the results we talked with our doctor to decide where to go next. After some deliberation we decided that with my next cycle we would do an IUI (interuterine insemenation). This is where they take sperm and put it through a "wash" which makes it safe for them to place them directly into the uterus. This raises the chances of pregnancy compared to regular means. Which for us do not seem to work. We were so excited! We were finally getting answers! We finally found a doctor who is proactive in helping us to get pregnant! We had plans made for what to do next!
Now this is a side note- I have been thinking this past week about doing a highlight day. This would be a day where you as readers can share your stories! Whether they are success or like mine where it is ongoing. Let me know in the comments of you would like if I did this :)
Til next time!
Here's a picture of me and my hubby goofing off :) just cause.
I received the call from my doctor with the results from our blood tests and from Randy's semen analysis. They had not received all of Randy's blood test results back but those that they had gotten were normal! My results for the blood test came back normal as well. Along with the blood tests, my doctor also had me tested to see how my egg reserve was. She said that it was excellent and that I still had plenty of eggs in reserve! It was great news, but all I could think besides 'yay! Lots of eggs means more chances for babies!' Was 'oh no! More eggs means more periods!' Lol that tells you how much I hate having periods!
Randy and I were both worried about his results from the semen analysis. Since his test with our last doctor was so low. Well we were surprised when she told us that his numbers were now at 18 million! Slightly abnormal since they wanted them at 20 or above. The morphology and mobility were either right at where they needed to be or just slightly below! We were relieved and excited! Because 18 million is much better than 1.5 million any day!
Now that we had the results we talked with our doctor to decide where to go next. After some deliberation we decided that with my next cycle we would do an IUI (interuterine insemenation). This is where they take sperm and put it through a "wash" which makes it safe for them to place them directly into the uterus. This raises the chances of pregnancy compared to regular means. Which for us do not seem to work. We were so excited! We were finally getting answers! We finally found a doctor who is proactive in helping us to get pregnant! We had plans made for what to do next!
Now this is a side note- I have been thinking this past week about doing a highlight day. This would be a day where you as readers can share your stories! Whether they are success or like mine where it is ongoing. Let me know in the comments of you would like if I did this :)
Til next time!
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Current Doctor - 1st Appointment - July 2015
Because we moved, it took us a long time to find a new doctor. Where we live, there are no REs (reproductive endocrinologists), so we were debating on a town fairly close with some that came recommended and that our insurance would cover (at least some of the procedures). We decided to go with someone in Utah, since we have family that we could stay with if needed. We asked around and if any of you watch VLOGS (video blogs) we emailed Ellie and Jared, a couple who shared their journey through infertility with those, and asked them who they recommended. They lived in the area we were looking into for a doctor. We felt really good about the doctor they recommended after we'd prayed about it and so we called and set up our first appointment.
Our first appointment was a consultation. This is where the doctor sits down and talks with you about your past test results and then you all decide where to go next.
Man was this an eye opening appointment!
She had received the results of all our past tests and went over them all with us! So we found out that the ultrasound I had done was normal. She asked me about my painful periods and almost immediately was willing to diagnose why they were so painful! She asked me if I'd ever been checked for endometriosis and I told her that I hadn't. She told me that we were going to assume that I had it and that any treatments done would be done with that in mind. She later confirms this diagnosis during another appointment. We also were told the results of Randy's semen analysis. Which turns out were not good :( his numbers were only 1.5 million and they should have been upwards of 20 million. She immediately asked us if we wanted to have him retested. We of course said yes.
During this appointment, she also did a vaginal ultrasound on me. Just so she could see any possible issues, like PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome) and to check my lining to see where I was at in my cycle. I do not have PCOS but I know many women who do. After she was done with the ultrasound she had my husband immediately go and do his semen analysis. She also went and wrote up some blood work orders for us to get done. When we had finished with the appointment we set up a time for two weeks from that day to talk with her on the phone about the results from the blood work and semen analysis. And we'd decide from there what to do.
Now I know you all want to know what that phone call entailed :) but I'm going to make you wait until Tuesday for those details :)
I know it's mean, but I gotta leave you hanging just a little bit right? No? Well I'm making you wait anyway ;)
Thank you all for reading and following our story!
Til next time!
Our first appointment was a consultation. This is where the doctor sits down and talks with you about your past test results and then you all decide where to go next.
Man was this an eye opening appointment!
She had received the results of all our past tests and went over them all with us! So we found out that the ultrasound I had done was normal. She asked me about my painful periods and almost immediately was willing to diagnose why they were so painful! She asked me if I'd ever been checked for endometriosis and I told her that I hadn't. She told me that we were going to assume that I had it and that any treatments done would be done with that in mind. She later confirms this diagnosis during another appointment. We also were told the results of Randy's semen analysis. Which turns out were not good :( his numbers were only 1.5 million and they should have been upwards of 20 million. She immediately asked us if we wanted to have him retested. We of course said yes.
During this appointment, she also did a vaginal ultrasound on me. Just so she could see any possible issues, like PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome) and to check my lining to see where I was at in my cycle. I do not have PCOS but I know many women who do. After she was done with the ultrasound she had my husband immediately go and do his semen analysis. She also went and wrote up some blood work orders for us to get done. When we had finished with the appointment we set up a time for two weeks from that day to talk with her on the phone about the results from the blood work and semen analysis. And we'd decide from there what to do.
Now I know you all want to know what that phone call entailed :) but I'm going to make you wait until Tuesday for those details :)
I know it's mean, but I gotta leave you hanging just a little bit right? No? Well I'm making you wait anyway ;)
Thank you all for reading and following our story!
Til next time!
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
When You See That Negative...
When you're going through infertility, you see negative pregnancy tests all the time. What do you do? How should you react? Do you give up hope? Do you keep going?
Well I can tell you that I have seen a lot of negatives! And yes it's hard every single time. What I usually do is cry. It's ok to cry! It's healthy and for me it really helps to get that pain out. I cry to get those sad feelings out and then I pick myself back up to try again. Now you don't have to cry if you don't want, a lot of women don't. And I don't always cry, usually it's just those months where I really thought I was finally pregnant. I can't tell you how to react because we all will react differently, some women will get mad, some will cry, and some will be fine. It really is up to you how you react.
One thing I think you should never do is give up hope! I did that once and it was the worst few months of my life! During those few months, I was angry, at myself, at my loving Heavenly Father, and at my husband too. I stopped praying, I lost my desire to try to have kids, and I was extremely depressed! It took me awhile to climb out of that pit and to ask for forgiveness. I slowly began to pray again, and when I began to pray and ask forgiveness I slowly became happier. To climb out of that depression was amazing!! Throughout it all I knew I still wanted kids and when I finally was out of that depression I began to have hope again! I gained my desire to try to have kids back! Yes it's still hard but I cling to that hope with my whole heart! That is why I'm telling you to never lose hope!! It's so much easier to hold on to the hope than it is to let it go and lose it.
Over the time that my husband and I have been TTC, I stopped taking pregnancy tests. My cycle is regular enough that we decided to save money on the tests so that we could use it for procedures to help us get pregnant. Now my negative pregnancy test is when my period begins. If it's late, then I take a test but that's a very rare occurrence.
Someday (and hopefully that someday is soon), I will see that positive! And those of you who have been TTC will someday see one too! Never give up hope! I want all of you reading this, whether you've been TTC for awhile, just beginning your journey, or even if you aren't TTC. I want each of you to never give up hope! Don't ever lose sight of your dreams, whatever they may be! For they will be achieved someday!
Til next time!
Well I can tell you that I have seen a lot of negatives! And yes it's hard every single time. What I usually do is cry. It's ok to cry! It's healthy and for me it really helps to get that pain out. I cry to get those sad feelings out and then I pick myself back up to try again. Now you don't have to cry if you don't want, a lot of women don't. And I don't always cry, usually it's just those months where I really thought I was finally pregnant. I can't tell you how to react because we all will react differently, some women will get mad, some will cry, and some will be fine. It really is up to you how you react.
One thing I think you should never do is give up hope! I did that once and it was the worst few months of my life! During those few months, I was angry, at myself, at my loving Heavenly Father, and at my husband too. I stopped praying, I lost my desire to try to have kids, and I was extremely depressed! It took me awhile to climb out of that pit and to ask for forgiveness. I slowly began to pray again, and when I began to pray and ask forgiveness I slowly became happier. To climb out of that depression was amazing!! Throughout it all I knew I still wanted kids and when I finally was out of that depression I began to have hope again! I gained my desire to try to have kids back! Yes it's still hard but I cling to that hope with my whole heart! That is why I'm telling you to never lose hope!! It's so much easier to hold on to the hope than it is to let it go and lose it.
Over the time that my husband and I have been TTC, I stopped taking pregnancy tests. My cycle is regular enough that we decided to save money on the tests so that we could use it for procedures to help us get pregnant. Now my negative pregnancy test is when my period begins. If it's late, then I take a test but that's a very rare occurrence.
Someday (and hopefully that someday is soon), I will see that positive! And those of you who have been TTC will someday see one too! Never give up hope! I want all of you reading this, whether you've been TTC for awhile, just beginning your journey, or even if you aren't TTC. I want each of you to never give up hope! Don't ever lose sight of your dreams, whatever they may be! For they will be achieved someday!
Til next time!
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Doctor #2- September 2013-February 2014
After searching for a few months and asking friends if they had any recommendations for doctors, and after getting a list and praying about it, we finally decided on a new doctor.
Our first visit to this doctor went great! He asked us how long we'd been trying (by this point it had been 2 years). He also asked the period pain question, to which I answered, 10. He was like really?, that is no fun especially when you're TTC. I'm going to prescribe you ponstel, which is like ibuprofen but much stronger. He told me to take it at the first onset of cramps, even if I hadn't started bleeding. And that was awesome for me because I felt like finally a doctor was willing to help with my pain. (At this point I had not been diagnosed with endometriosis) This doctor also set up some ultrasounds for me to check my uterus and ovaries.
At the ultrasound appointment not too much later, maybe a couple weeks to a month? The ultrasound tech took the ultrasounds of everything and sent them and the results back to my doctor. She was not allowed to diagnose or clear me of anything while there, just was allowed to do the ultrasounds and be done. Our doctor never called us with the results from this ultrasound :( and knowing what I know now, I should have called to ask for them. Anyways, on with the story!
The next step this doctor took was to see if I was ovulating. As you know our first doctor didn't do any tests but automatically assumed I was not ovulating, so we were very happy that this doctor was willing to do the tests! For this test, they had me come in on day 21 of my cycle. All I had to do was give blood!! So easy for me to do! Just give my blood a voila! I'm done! A couple days later they called me with my results! Yay finally some results!! The nurse said that they usually want the levels above a 10 (I believe they checked my progesterone if I remember correctly) and that I had definitely ovulated since my numbers were at a 16!! This was great news!! I ovulate on my own!! Woohoo!! This confirmed to me that Randy and I had made the right choice in not doing chlomid with the first doctor!
Well, now that we knew I ovulated, my doctor wanted me to get an HSG done. HSG stands for hysterosalpingogram, which is a procedure where the put a dye into the uterus and Fallopian tubes to make sure there are no blockages. I had to take 1000 mg of ibuprofen before the procedure to help with possible pain. Usually the procedure can cause period-like cramps. When I went in they had a nurse who usually performed this procedure attempt to do the procedure but she couldn't get the catheter in. She called a doctor in and this doctor assured me that usually with the time it takes for him to get in there the muscles relax and he usually can get the catheter in. Unfortunately this was not the case :( he was also unable to get the catheter in. This is because he was unable to get the catheter through my cervix! Throughout all of this I was enduring extreme cramping! Ouch!! :( apparently the reason why they couldn't get the catheter in is because I had what is called vaginal stenosis, which is defined as a narrowing of the cervical canal or as a small flap of skin covering the entry to the uterus. The latter part of that was what my diagnosis was.
My next visit to my doctor, he had received these results from the doctor who attempted the procedure. He didn't believe him!! So he checked for himself! Here I am on no pain medication and this doctor is attempting to get a catheter through my cervix. And you wanna know what he said? "Oh, they were right." They were right! Of course they were right! They know what they're doing too!! Ok I'm calming down now. This doctor also decided that since he was already in there he would fix the issue. Now I'm preparing you women, what he did next was extremely painful, and I'm sure as you read it you'll all go OWWUCH! And let me tell you, it was some of the worst pain I've ever felt! He proceeded to SCRAPE with a small plastic tool, where the blockage was! And there I was squeezing my husband's hand crying out in pain because it hurt so bad!! As soon as he finished scraping, he removed all of his tools and told me and my husband that it was now open and that they were going to leave me alone for awhile and focus on Randy.
My doctor sent Randy to get a semen analysis done. So, Randy went and got the test done but we were never given or told any results from it. We waited a year figuring that since we never got told the results it meant they were good. And now that my cervix was clear that maybe we'd get pregnant. We were wrong. During that year we ended up moving and so the doctor search was back on. Also I kinda refused to go back to this doctor again due to the pain and so few results that we were given.
Thank you for taking the time to read this very long blog post :) stay tuned for the next portion of my story! New posts every Tuesday and Thursday!! Baby dust to all of you who are struggling or just beginning their journey to pregnancy!
Our first visit to this doctor went great! He asked us how long we'd been trying (by this point it had been 2 years). He also asked the period pain question, to which I answered, 10. He was like really?, that is no fun especially when you're TTC. I'm going to prescribe you ponstel, which is like ibuprofen but much stronger. He told me to take it at the first onset of cramps, even if I hadn't started bleeding. And that was awesome for me because I felt like finally a doctor was willing to help with my pain. (At this point I had not been diagnosed with endometriosis) This doctor also set up some ultrasounds for me to check my uterus and ovaries.
At the ultrasound appointment not too much later, maybe a couple weeks to a month? The ultrasound tech took the ultrasounds of everything and sent them and the results back to my doctor. She was not allowed to diagnose or clear me of anything while there, just was allowed to do the ultrasounds and be done. Our doctor never called us with the results from this ultrasound :( and knowing what I know now, I should have called to ask for them. Anyways, on with the story!
The next step this doctor took was to see if I was ovulating. As you know our first doctor didn't do any tests but automatically assumed I was not ovulating, so we were very happy that this doctor was willing to do the tests! For this test, they had me come in on day 21 of my cycle. All I had to do was give blood!! So easy for me to do! Just give my blood a voila! I'm done! A couple days later they called me with my results! Yay finally some results!! The nurse said that they usually want the levels above a 10 (I believe they checked my progesterone if I remember correctly) and that I had definitely ovulated since my numbers were at a 16!! This was great news!! I ovulate on my own!! Woohoo!! This confirmed to me that Randy and I had made the right choice in not doing chlomid with the first doctor!
Well, now that we knew I ovulated, my doctor wanted me to get an HSG done. HSG stands for hysterosalpingogram, which is a procedure where the put a dye into the uterus and Fallopian tubes to make sure there are no blockages. I had to take 1000 mg of ibuprofen before the procedure to help with possible pain. Usually the procedure can cause period-like cramps. When I went in they had a nurse who usually performed this procedure attempt to do the procedure but she couldn't get the catheter in. She called a doctor in and this doctor assured me that usually with the time it takes for him to get in there the muscles relax and he usually can get the catheter in. Unfortunately this was not the case :( he was also unable to get the catheter in. This is because he was unable to get the catheter through my cervix! Throughout all of this I was enduring extreme cramping! Ouch!! :( apparently the reason why they couldn't get the catheter in is because I had what is called vaginal stenosis, which is defined as a narrowing of the cervical canal or as a small flap of skin covering the entry to the uterus. The latter part of that was what my diagnosis was.
My next visit to my doctor, he had received these results from the doctor who attempted the procedure. He didn't believe him!! So he checked for himself! Here I am on no pain medication and this doctor is attempting to get a catheter through my cervix. And you wanna know what he said? "Oh, they were right." They were right! Of course they were right! They know what they're doing too!! Ok I'm calming down now. This doctor also decided that since he was already in there he would fix the issue. Now I'm preparing you women, what he did next was extremely painful, and I'm sure as you read it you'll all go OWWUCH! And let me tell you, it was some of the worst pain I've ever felt! He proceeded to SCRAPE with a small plastic tool, where the blockage was! And there I was squeezing my husband's hand crying out in pain because it hurt so bad!! As soon as he finished scraping, he removed all of his tools and told me and my husband that it was now open and that they were going to leave me alone for awhile and focus on Randy.
My doctor sent Randy to get a semen analysis done. So, Randy went and got the test done but we were never given or told any results from it. We waited a year figuring that since we never got told the results it meant they were good. And now that my cervix was clear that maybe we'd get pregnant. We were wrong. During that year we ended up moving and so the doctor search was back on. Also I kinda refused to go back to this doctor again due to the pain and so few results that we were given.
Thank you for taking the time to read this very long blog post :) stay tuned for the next portion of my story! New posts every Tuesday and Thursday!! Baby dust to all of you who are struggling or just beginning their journey to pregnancy!
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
What is Endometriosis?
A lot of people don't know what Endometriosis actually is and so I decided to do a post specifically about it. WEBMD defines Endometriosis as tissue that is normally found in the uterus growing on other parts of the body. These areas could be your ovaries, Fallopian tubes, bowel, or other internal parts. When our hormones change during our cycle the tissue breaks down and may cause pain.
Some of the symptoms I had that made me suspicious that I had Endometriosis were extremely painful periods. I'm talking pain so bad I cannot function. Most of the time I get extremely dizzy, nauseous, and most of the time I puke more than once due to pain. I dont just get cramps while on my period, I usually have some sort of cramping everyday, nothing near as bad as while on my period (thank goodness!) but small cramps that I wish were my period cramps! Another symptom I had was that I noticed that I was tired, all of the time! There were months where I was just so exhausted that I thought that I might be pregnant because we all know that is a sign. I never was and when I was diagnosed and doing research I discovered this was a big symptom.
Some of you may be wondering what may be the cause of endometriosis? Where does it come from? Or why do people get it? There are a few theories as to why. It could be hereditary which makes sense in my case. My grandma was diagnosed with it when she first got married and was told she may never have kids. Well she went on to have 7 kids and she would have had more but after giving birth to her 7th they immediately took her in and removed everything because of how bad her endometriosis had gotten. Another theory is that Doctors think that it's possible that menstrual blood containing endometrial tissue flows back into the tubes and into the pelvic cavity and continues to bleed and grow.
In order to help with pain I was prescribed a heavy pain medication. This worked for the first couple of months but now I it doesn't work as well and I am beginning to feel the pain again. Another way they treat endometriosis is by putting women on birth control which controls the hormones that cause endometriosis. This was not an option for me since we are trying to have children. Another way is surgery. Where they go in laparoscopically and remove the endometriosis. This is not a long term solution and usually the endometriosis will begin to grow back in 3 months to a year :(
Although it may be more difficult for my husband and I to get pregnant due to me having endometriosis, other women may have no trouble and get pregnant on their own. Some women could also have endometriosis and never have symptoms.
I hope this post was helpful!! :) check back every Tuesday and Thursday for new blog posts! :)
Some of the symptoms I had that made me suspicious that I had Endometriosis were extremely painful periods. I'm talking pain so bad I cannot function. Most of the time I get extremely dizzy, nauseous, and most of the time I puke more than once due to pain. I dont just get cramps while on my period, I usually have some sort of cramping everyday, nothing near as bad as while on my period (thank goodness!) but small cramps that I wish were my period cramps! Another symptom I had was that I noticed that I was tired, all of the time! There were months where I was just so exhausted that I thought that I might be pregnant because we all know that is a sign. I never was and when I was diagnosed and doing research I discovered this was a big symptom.
Some of you may be wondering what may be the cause of endometriosis? Where does it come from? Or why do people get it? There are a few theories as to why. It could be hereditary which makes sense in my case. My grandma was diagnosed with it when she first got married and was told she may never have kids. Well she went on to have 7 kids and she would have had more but after giving birth to her 7th they immediately took her in and removed everything because of how bad her endometriosis had gotten. Another theory is that Doctors think that it's possible that menstrual blood containing endometrial tissue flows back into the tubes and into the pelvic cavity and continues to bleed and grow.
In order to help with pain I was prescribed a heavy pain medication. This worked for the first couple of months but now I it doesn't work as well and I am beginning to feel the pain again. Another way they treat endometriosis is by putting women on birth control which controls the hormones that cause endometriosis. This was not an option for me since we are trying to have children. Another way is surgery. Where they go in laparoscopically and remove the endometriosis. This is not a long term solution and usually the endometriosis will begin to grow back in 3 months to a year :(
Although it may be more difficult for my husband and I to get pregnant due to me having endometriosis, other women may have no trouble and get pregnant on their own. Some women could also have endometriosis and never have symptoms.
I hope this post was helpful!! :) check back every Tuesday and Thursday for new blog posts! :)
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Doctor #1- May 2013
We tried for about a year and a half to have children before starting to seek out help. I researched some doctors and once we decided on one we made an appointment. My first appointment with this first doctor was actually because I had skipped a period and all the at home pregnancy tests were negative. When we got there, we went in and the Doctor did a pap and took some blood to test for STDs and other things. Not once did this doctor do a pregnancy test to see if I was pregnant. I told him that on the scale of 1-10, 10 being the most painful and 1 being not painful at all, that I was at a 10 for how painful my periods were. He did nothing for me just overlooked it.
At this same visit before blood tests or pap results came back he told me that I don't ovulate and that he was going to prescribe me two medications. Provera- which forces your period to start and Chlomid-which is supposed to make you ovulate. After my husband and I talked about it we chose not to fill the prescriptions and we never went back to that doctor!
For you women out there who are TTC (trying to conceive) if your doctor is like this one was and just prescribes you medication and doesn't do any tests FIND A NEW DOCTOR! There is no reason why you should take any medication without validation for taking it first!!
At this same visit before blood tests or pap results came back he told me that I don't ovulate and that he was going to prescribe me two medications. Provera- which forces your period to start and Chlomid-which is supposed to make you ovulate. After my husband and I talked about it we chose not to fill the prescriptions and we never went back to that doctor!
For you women out there who are TTC (trying to conceive) if your doctor is like this one was and just prescribes you medication and doesn't do any tests FIND A NEW DOCTOR! There is no reason why you should take any medication without validation for taking it first!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
About Me
Just a quick short intro to me and my life. My husband and I were married on June 18 in 2011. He is now 26 and I am 23. To some people we're still young but to me I'm glad we got married when we did because it gives us that much longer to work things out with doctors.
In September of 2011, (yes, 3 months after we were married) we decided to put our fate with children into the Lord's hands and we went off birth control. We thought we'd get pregnant pretty quick. Well here we are 4 years later and still no baby.
I was diagnosed with Endometriosis this past July. Although we were both pretty suspicious that I had it. My whole life anytime I got a period, I was pretty much home bound because of extremely painful cramps, nausea, puking, and you know the fun side of Periods ;) I had been to multiple doctors and mentioned how painful my periods were but they just overlooked it and focused on other stuff. (I'll get into further detail in other posts)
We currently have one fur baby named Oscar who is 5 months old and is a very dark chocolate lab. He has been such a comfort to me during this trial! He literally is my little baby boy! I'm so grateful for him and the sixth sense he has to know when I just need to snuggle.
In my next post I'll go into more detail about infertility doctors and what it's like living with endometriosis! I hope you'll follow along as our story progresses and hopefully someday I can post pictures of a beautiful baby!
In September of 2011, (yes, 3 months after we were married) we decided to put our fate with children into the Lord's hands and we went off birth control. We thought we'd get pregnant pretty quick. Well here we are 4 years later and still no baby.
I was diagnosed with Endometriosis this past July. Although we were both pretty suspicious that I had it. My whole life anytime I got a period, I was pretty much home bound because of extremely painful cramps, nausea, puking, and you know the fun side of Periods ;) I had been to multiple doctors and mentioned how painful my periods were but they just overlooked it and focused on other stuff. (I'll get into further detail in other posts)
We currently have one fur baby named Oscar who is 5 months old and is a very dark chocolate lab. He has been such a comfort to me during this trial! He literally is my little baby boy! I'm so grateful for him and the sixth sense he has to know when I just need to snuggle.
In my next post I'll go into more detail about infertility doctors and what it's like living with endometriosis! I hope you'll follow along as our story progresses and hopefully someday I can post pictures of a beautiful baby!
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